bloated? (sp)

edited April 2011 in December 2011
So I don't usually feel bloated. But I am feeling bloated. Some of my pants that usually fit just fine are feeling tight when I sit down. Is this bloating? Or is it at all possible that my belly is growing from a baby? Its to soon isn't it? My phone says I will be 4 weeks Friday I think. And this is the 3rd pregnancy. I know its to soon to actually have a "belly". And I am a little over weight.


  • I was extremely bloated in the beginning. It felt like i ate a large meal even when i first woke up in the morning. Its normal
  • @angel26, I'm the SAME way. I was bloated BEFORE I missed my period, which made me think my period was coming. A friend actually recommended that I take a pregnancy test (we've been trying for months, with no luck- I pretty much assumed it would be negative). The bloating never came down! I haven't been able to comfortably fit into pants since then. Now I'm 8 weeks, and I think it's a combination of bloating and the baby. I'm just all-around uncomfortable, but happy! :)
  • @ecstaticmom2be congrats on your bfp. I just hope that I get mine. Lol. I'm scared to take one for it to e bfn. But I also want to take one. We get paid Friday so that's when I can go get one. I sure hope its bfp with the way I've been feeling. Lol. I love baby bumps. But I hate feeling so fat.
  • Good luck hun! Praying for your BFP!
  • It is definitely probably bloating...are u always gassy? This is my third pregnancy as well and I am super bloated and super gassy...I am in a wedding May 21...already bought my dress n now I'm worried I won't be able to fit into it by then...I'm only 6 weeks and 3 days...
  • I took a test yesterday and got a very faint bfp. I'm going to take a digital in the morning. But yes, I am way gassy. I am consantly burping or other. I never felt like this with the other 2.
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