venting! has this happened to anyone??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
okay sooo.. when I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want everyone to know yet. I preferred to wait til I was 3 months. I told my friend who was with me when I took the test, a "friend" I worked with(she saw me gagging constantly bc we work with food), & some immediate family.
I also told my boss to avoid heavy lifting.. anyways, I go into work & by the next few days EVERYONE knows! LITERALLY EVERYONE!
I am so mad I could scream! its my business to tell & I specifically said DON'T TELL ANYONE. I could cuss up a storm right now. has anyone else had someone spread your good news? feel free to vent!


  • Been there ..all u can do is scream sme ppl to gosssipy lllol vent girl vent
  • I wana punch tht b*tch in the face.. but I nvr express when I'm mad or upset.. jst pretend I dnt knw when I see her. but its drivn me insane.
  • Smh some girls jus like to gossip....where r u frm
  • I understand I would be beyond pissed off too.
  • My sister in law (stupid b word) told my dad knowing I was on my way to take my daddy to eat and tell him he was gonna be a papa again. I could have killed her. I'm sorry that friend stole your moment. That's soooooooo annoying.
  • My sister did it to me both of my pregnancies, I get the whole family together and right before I say it she says "Kimmies pregnant". Both times it took everything I had not to punch her in the throat. So then I spend the next hour contacting out of town family (mom, sisters and grandparents) before she does, she's such a b*tch...
  • @peanutsmama19 first I wanna say LOL!! To some of the reactions "punch her in the throat" lmao hehe
    Anywayssss...I also told an ex co-worker and another select ex co-worker...biding my time til I could tell all my girls bc before I left they always talked about hoe exciting it will be when I get pregnant. Welll...the first one told pretty much everyone else. I saw another's mom and she was like, oh Congrats! This was like 5 mins after I just told her. I was ..did Katie just call u or something? Oh, no, Melissa told her. Ughhhhhh!!!!! Way to blow up Melissa's spot! Still haven't said anything to her bc she's more sensitive than a prego woman. Just wanted to be excited and tell everyone first. So effing annnooyyyiinggg!!!! Lol
  • My so called friend did that to me at my job. She didn't tell everybody because she was happy, she told everyone to be funny because she wanted my husband. I forgot I was pregnant at the moment & cursed her the hell out
  • Yea my sister in law did we got the whole family together to tell an she was like ur pregnant. An then when we found out it was twins we told my mother in law an she told the whole family before we could even leave the ultrasound room. Kinda made me upset stole my glory but I made sure I told them last when we found out it was girls.
  • edited February 2011
    Lol I never had 2 tell anyone with my first 2 kids. My mom said I was glowing and kept asking me if I was pregnant and I wasnt sure at the time. When I was sure every body n my family already knew. With my second my sister and my mom were talking about it b4 I was even going 2 tell people.(me and my sister shared pads when she was over her period she would give me the ones she had left and I would do the same.)My mom finally asked if I was pregnant. Again she told every body else. With this baby I txted it 2 my dad(cause hes the strict 1 (bitches about everything) he told everyone else. If I tell 1 person n my family every body will know within an hour.
  • see my family keeps it on the dl.. my parents are so secretive when it comes to that stuff. they always waited a while to tell when they were pregnant, & they never told names they'd picked out.
    my fiances family, on the other hand.. they like to spread the good word. I don't mind so much if its family that knows.. but if the worst were to happen, I would hate to tell EVERYONE at work, seeing how everyone knows. I live in a small town too, so I'm sure tht big mouth b*tch told a lot more than people at work. lol makes me feel a lil better I'm not the only one!
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