sick with cold!!

edited April 2011 in Health
I have just 2 weeks till May 4th due date...And am sicker than a dog with cold and sore throught and body aches. Could go into labore at any time....Any suggestions on remedies? Would realy hate to have my child now and be kept from him because of this stupid cold. :(


  • I got really sick myself like a month ago ...back to back!! it felt like flu-like symptoms. I was told to take Robitussin Cold & flu medicine. It helped some, but im not real big on taking meds while pregnant... so if u want a more natural way bundle ur self up with layers of clothes (including socks) and drink some hot lemon tea (non-caffeinated of course lol). Do that a few times a day for about 3 days... it should help a lot! Hope u feel better soon :)
  • I took Robitussin DM and it went away in 2 days
  • @bunny_424 and @lala123 Thanks so much ladies for the advise it really helped. Feeling mucho better today!! Now if we can just get this little muchkin here ill be all good. Love and light to you both.... Happy Holidays to you and yours.
  • Robitussin DM. Also see if your doctor will ok Theraflu. That is what my doctor told me to take but your doctor may say otherwise.
  • @hurstk28 My Dr said just to take Tylanoyl cough and cold or Delsum but all the tylanoyl is on a recall in my state so she just has me taking sudifed wich realy doesn't work. But something is better than nothing. But ill ask my about that Theraflue. Thax a bunch!!
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