I stop smoking!!!
I saw my 3month u/s and i completely stop smoking, haven't smoked for about I week. I didn't smoke alot before that about 1 cigrettee a day, but after see my baby I couldn't do that to my baby. my my husband can be a jerk and smoke around me and all over the house., i'm stronger then that, but i just wish he would stop smoking in the house, i tried to get him to stop even before I was pregnant.
@odin87 thanks, i will keep talking to him about it:)
But congrats on not smoking, very smart decision, that precious baby and I are very proud of you!
@expectingbabynumber3, thanks expectingbabynumber3. this will me my third one too!! what are u having and what do u have?
@expectingbabynumbers3 i also have a a 6 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. do u want anymore after this?