Can't breath at times

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Sometimes I can't breath it feels like im getting squeezed to death. Idk I might sound crazy but it seems like his heart beat interfere wit mines lol idk... I know the baby pushes on ur rib cage in all but I feel it in my throat...? Anyone! :/


  • Are you in your third tri? I have asthma so being 30w is hard on my lungs too. My inhaler works wonders.
  • No asthma n im 26weeks 2nd tri
  • I sleep propped up with pillows. If it helps, baby will begin to drop soon, it should feel better when it happens.
  • Baby is pushing on ur rib cage my dic told me this cuz it happens alot
  • I have been having the same issue this past week also but I am only 19 weeks the only thing I can think it is is anxiety because I had it before I was prego and its the same feeling now...
  • I'm 10wks and I have the same issue going upstairs, walking for long periods or talking...
  • Ok here is what you need to do. I had this problem BAD BAD BAD. especially in the mornings. You need to get a big nalgene or water bottle. Fill the whole thing with ice then water. Then seriously keep drinking it down and refilling it NONSTOP. ALL MORNING. This helped me 100%. I have not had trouble breathing since I started doing this. It has something to do with oxygenating your blood or something but I swear it is a miracle. And for some reason, it doesn't work for me if there's not a lot of ice.
  • @lhanafi thanks I will try that sounds like it could work!!! :)
  • I'm 24 weeks and I just went down the stairs and back up feel like I just ran a block.
  • so how'd it work today?
  • Good lol thanks it helped with my heartburn lol I end up eating the ice. Im up now drinking water b4 bed since I can't sleep
  • Haha the heartburn is a bonus but how did it work with the breathing?
  • Well I haven't noticed it so I think it worked lol :)
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