episiotomy (sp?) pros and cons..

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
What are some pros and cons of having an episiotomy? I know there is a chance that you could tear without one, but which is worse/more painful? Which takes longer to heal, and has less risks involved?


  • I chose the episiotomy because my son was a larger baby and I am small. My doc was afraid if I tore it would be pretty nasty. For me it was a great decision. I was a virgin again (husband was happy) and my heal time was short. Maybe two weeks at most. For me, it was worth it and I will do it again for this baby. Good luck :)
  • I didn't get a choice. Dr cut me & I screamed & baby shot out. He didn't tell me he was doing it either. I'm unhappy w it. The side he did it on isn't tight. On the outside. Its gross to me. Hub don't care though. But the dr rushed me thru labor for no reason. I wasnt in stress & baby was fine. Talk to your ob. I do know some women need it. I don't think I did & didn't get a choice. Hopefully w/ this one, things go well & I doubt I'll need another one. Now that its a lil wider than before.
  • I had one plus I tore from my daughter coming out face up. It didnt hurt because my doc numbed the area. I dont remember being in too much pain after. I just took some iubprofen for the swelling.
  • First of all, when i was 3 i was hit by a truck but long story short i have a pin in my right hip. That caused my hips to not want to expamd as much as the average lady. On top of that, My baby was in the birth canal a little crooked. I'm 16, and was getting super tired and stressed out after pushing for 2 hours it seemed like I was making no progress. I was on an epidural so I couldn't feel too much pain down there, I tore Really bad and had an episiotomy. Its been 2 weeks but its starting to feel better. I'm glad the doc decided to do That because it really helped get the Baby out. That and the vacume extractor. Without the 2 I would have had to have an emergency c section.
  • I had a second degree tear which needed 4 stitches and I had no pain at all afterwards. I had no problems. If you take care of it, it shouldn't be a problem. My cousin had an episiotomy with her first from hole to hole and required 27 stitches and she could not sit without a doughnut for weeks afterwards. If its needed, your doctor will do it, but otherwise don't do it. I tore when my daughters head was already out because I pushed when the doctor told me not to, I really couldn't help it, otherwise I wouldn't have even tore at all. Do kegals!!!! It will help you.
  • Everyone is different, this is going to conflict with some of the other stories ...but, with my first I had an episiotomy and the recovery was awful! Very long and painful, I kept thinking for sure I was infected. With my second I had a bad tear ( no episiotomy ) the recovery was quicker and not as painful. I went on to deliver three more 9 lb. babies with no episiotomies or tearing. Look into doing perinium massage before baby comes.
  • I had episiotomies with both my deliveries... didnt feel it when the dr did it... didnt feel it after. I was up walking around and doing the normal stuff litterally 2 hours after pushing them out... my aunt tore . She was in pain for weeks. Id rather a straight cut than a jagged tear anyday. Ouch
  • I had one done with my first. She said we need to make an incision, blah blah..in the moment I didn't care. It's painful burning sensation as it heels but didn't take long to feel better. I'd rather not tear naturally, omg sounds horrific!
  • I had both..episiotomy and I tore!! Worst pain ever after delivery! I think it was worst than labor cuz the pain lasts for about 2wks! I was afraid to pee and poo. I had deliveries where I didn't tare or have an episiotomy after that one and felt great after delivery..didn't even feel like I had a baby down there. Hopefully ur doc will stretch u down there before u start pushing and won't have to get an episiotomy and won't tare. Gl :)
  • I tore and got cut it wasnt to bad 4 me when I left the hospital I had stopped bleeding. In the stitches were healed in bout a week
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  • Thanks y'all! I'm gonna talk to my doc about ways to prevent having to do either one, and get her opinion as well. I'm a sucker for pain, so I want to make a very informed decision about this! Thanks again!
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