For those in the U.S. How much is gas where you are at??? ***UPDATED***



  • Nebraska $3.65
  • 3.98 chicago suburb
  • @simplyraven22406 I could only imagine girl!!! Prob cause its like in the movies with all the traffic and cars?!?! lol IDK Ive never been there. Insurance is high in Cali for me but its also really packed with all the people coming from over the borders also and getting in crashes without insurance, its happened to me damn one to many times. Errr X(
  • 4.04 in Ontario, California. I'm sure it will be higher by end of day.
  • I live in Utah and the lowest gas I've seen is $3.55. But I should feel grateful it looks like.
  • @preggers yes very true :) We pay in the rent and gas for those luxuries haha I wish I could move back to San Diego or even Temecula or Oceanside but the rent is too damn much for us. *sigh* So for now its the nasty, dry, dirt, desert for us!
  • Utah, $3.55 for unleaded
  • 3.56 cape may county nj
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  • @inloveee yup same for us only instead of icky dessert we put up with a frozen state where it feels like winter will never end. I hate snow! Lol
  • Wow!! $4.27 in Northern Cali
  • Manitowoc, WI 3.89
  • Missouri. $3.74
  • @preggers I KNOW what your talking about!!! That year that I lived in Wisconsin...OMG, the winter was absolute HORROR for me! Especially being in SO Cal all my life. and it wasnt soo much like oh wah Its so cold or the snow is was the DRIVING!!! I got in my first car accident out there when it was -26 degrees one day and then skided out another time to oncoming traffic, it was a nightmare....Now even being in Cali I hate just driving in the rain I am so traumatized!
  • edited April 2011
    @inloveee omg same here I've only every lived in so cal and this winter was so scary!!! I slid into an intersection and got stuck in the snow all on the same day. And I don't mind the cold but I hate snow and ice!!! Its so scary!!
  • 420 ugh and not the good 420 lol
  • 3.53-Tennessee
  • Wisconsin...$3.89 is starting to not look so bad!
  • Texas $ about to invest in a bike!
  • @stormyparadise hahaha shuuuuhhh you cant say that here or the psycho pregly anti bud moms will come out from under their rocks to bash you lmao jk
  • @preggers were you crying? I cried like never
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  • @beautifulone invest in a bike hahaha and I know your not talking about no harley davidson lol I think I need to too! Be ol prego on a beachcruiser rollin around in the desert were I live hahahah! well damn I might get a heatstroke tho cuz it gets really hot here, shoot! lol
  • I'm in south jersey and the gas station by my house is the more expensive one around here at $3. 60
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  • Wisconsin 394
  • ohio, either $3.85 or your first born child.
  • @inloveee no I didn't cry I got pissed and went on FB and made my status update about how much I hate MN and how I missed CA and that MN was going to kill me! Lol I went on a long rant i even had to shorten it because it was too many characters and wouldn't fit on the update...then I actually had some of my MN friends get offended lol oh that day was a mess
  • I'm in SCAL, Los Angeles County $4.15 TOOO MUCH!!!
  • @preggers OMG I laughed so hard reading that right now!!!! :-)) :-))
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