Birth control

edited April 2011 in Health
What type of birth control would you recommend for after baby?


  • Depends on if u can remember taking a pill daily.
  • I am getting tubes tied and my husband is getting a vasectomy.
  • I would love to get my tubes tied but im almost positive my doc will say no im 20 and my first.
  • Yeah they may say no but if your sure yu don't want anymore they cant stop you. Talk to your insurance.
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  • For me umm Idk lol I can't remember to take the pill on time..the shot made me gain a lot of weight, loss of hair..but thankfully I have thick hair, I was very moody, nd Omg it hurts when they stick u with it. Lol the iud I wanted but my sis has it nd it was fallin out?? So thts scary nd I dnt want my tubes tied yet =\ so Idk
  • I an going with the iud. The good things out weigh the side effects. And I want one more then permanent birth control lol.
  • I'm just reading a book on how all the different types work... after reading it I think I'm going with natural family planning but also using a saliva fertility microscope, its under 30$ and last forever...

  • We want one more so ill prolly take the pills
  • Nuva ring
  • @mommy2audrey im also doing nfp after my son is born. My doctor recommended taking NaPro classes. What's a saliva fertility microscope?
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  • @beautiful_Altar I've never heard of those classes... what r they about?
    The microscope is pretty cool, when u ovulate ur saliva looks way different down to the very day.. so u just take some spit and look at it through the lill lens every day or so u know more closely what days to be careful on ;) I wanted the ovulook but I think they stopped making it, I found one on Amazon that's the size of a lipstick case!

    @HomeBirthAdvocate I totally agree with u!
  • @mommy2audrey NaPro Technology is a method of nfp. There are a couple but my doc recommended that one.
  • Wat about when your breastfeeding? N I heard the IUD can scar your uterus is that true???
  • Breastfeeding is not a form of birth control. The IUD or the one you put in your arm is good if you are going to breastfeed. My sil had it.
  • I am going back to not taking anything...i hope. almost got my husband talked into getting snipped. But we are done having kids. Copper iud if have to, no hormones.
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