Just found out I had a miscarriage very sad...stupid doctors just found out today bt I think I passed it and MARCH;;;still having pregnant symptoms wen will they go away???
So sad hun....when I miscarried, I had symtoms until the hormones worked out of my system...it may take a little bit depending how far along you were.....take care of youself hun
I'm sorry I know it really sux. Take a few days to yourself ... I still tested pos for 3 weeks after I MC it sucked.. But a month later I got prego with my lill girl I'm 37wks now!
It took me 2 weeks to get a negative test. I carried the baby for 12 weeks but lost it at 9 weeks 5 days. I just had the surgery on march 28 and found out yesterday that im ovulating again already! try to stay positive and you will be pregnant again before you know it
But a month later I got prego with my lill girl I'm 37wks now!