whats the chances???????

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
So what would the chances be of getting pregnant after just having a baby and getting tubes tied?? I was told by the nurse when I was getting discharged not to have sex for the first 6 weeks cause my body needs time to heal and you could get pregnant again even tho I had a tubal done. Uhmmmm.


  • Idk % but a mom here is pregnant after her tubal. I'm getting one after he is born. Cross fingers, follow doc orders and i'm using back up bc(condoms) for first year. Lol
  • Lol. I really wanted more but my husband says NO. Lol. My 5 year old keeps telling me that I am going to have 3 more babies at once. I told him that I couldn't have anymore children and he said I don't care. God said we were gna have 3 more 1 girl and twin boys. Lol. I already have 5 boys.
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