Single moms?

edited April 2011 in Teen moms
My fiance of two years left me this past weekend and says he wants to be friends. He still wants to help take care of the baby and all. I'm taking it really hard
I don't want to do this alone. I love him with all my being. I just hope he comes back to me in the next 7 months. He wants to see other people and flirt...but its not fair. No one wants to be with a 19 year old pregnant chick. Ill be 20 next month and the BD just turned 18....I don't know of I can do this.


  • I feel for you. I am in a situation where the father still lives with me but wants nothing to do with the baby or me. I want to kick him out but i cant afford my place on my own. I pray everyday that he will come around and step up as a soon to be parent like i have.

    What men dont understand is that while they can wash there hands of the situation we can't we are the one carry the child.
  • You can do this. I swear you sound just like me. I was 19 and pregnant. But I was the one who broke up with my man. I was turning 20 soon also. I know its hard. But believe me, you can do it. And it will make you a very strong person. Down the road you will look back and be like I am an amazing mom to be able to go through that, I look back and I'm like wow. I made it this far. My daughter is 3 now. Don't think no man will want you because you have a kid. I thought that. I was so wrong. I met the man of my dreams now I'm pregnant with his child. I know its hard. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here :)
  • Honey you're stronger than you would be surprised at how much we woman can handle.....its an awful thing I've been there but it made me that much stronger not just as a mommy but as a woman too.......hang in there and remember it all happens for a reason........
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