Couple questions... Back from the doctors

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Just got back from my appointment today & I'm at 37 weeks so they checked me and said I'm 1 cm and 40% effaced... But what does that mean for me exactly?

How long do you think I have to go ??
And I bought some primerose do you think its ok to take??


  • It could take up until you.are 40 weeks or more. Idk about the oil
  • It means your cervix is 1cm dialated and it is 40% thinned out. I hate to tell you but you could sit at this same stage for weeks. I know with my son I was at about 2cm for a couple of weeks. It means your body is getting ready but it could still be awhile.
  • Oh bummer :( I wish he was ready to go
  • Does this mean I lost my mucous plug??
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