sleeping is so UNCOMFORTABLE :(

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So its 6am & im still awake. Im never up this long rarely pass 12am. I make 34 weeks today i guess this is where my sleeping habits get uncomfortable. Every position i lay im uncomfortable i dnt get it :/ i just want to sleep ugh. My hubby is knocked out & i wanna do the same. On top of that my son is moving like he's having a wrestling match inside me. It wakes me up if i do dose off. Ugh i just want it to be OVERRRRR already...


  • Aww don't worry girl, you don't have long to go but try get few hours rest during the day too
  • Yea ik. I take a nap and that keeps me up at night smh.
    Thanks tho hun
  • Dang..I'm only 15 weeks and having a hard time sleeping...only going to get worse. Hope you get some rest!
  • I know you want it to be over but it will be soon. I just had my daughter Tuesday at 36 weeks 1 day, and now it seems weird that I wont be able to feel her inside me anymore :( I am so happy she's here but now I am getting discharged today and my poor baby girl has to stay in the nicu :( I have no idea when she will be able to come home, so hang in there your little man will be here sooner than you think
  • I'm almost 34 weeks and all I do is toss and turn all night. I asked my doctor for something to help me sleep but she said no. Ugh Time needs to hurry so I can get back to normal
  • @mmomma1013 thanks. And yup it sure is..good luck

    @maybabygirl thank you. And congrats i hope your baby girl pulls thru :) is she there because she came early?

    @kcoolzchic my doc said the same...grrr screw her! Lol
  • @PrettyKiKi yeah had an emergency c section at 36 weeks :( thank you
  • Aww i want my son early but im scared now :/
  • Am.35 weeks.+1 and have nt slept a wink all nite to nite am so tired . Am defo goin to try and get a catch up in the day ... but yes it does get worse as u get bigger I.find a normal pillow under my bump an covers between my legs help
  • @maybabygirl how much did she weigh I'm 36 now I thought it was ok to deliver now when was you due date mine is 5 16
  • I'm 37 weeks and I've been up since 5:30 am. Laying down just hurts. I'm sooooo tired I could cry. Although at least ally housework was done by 8.30 lol
  • I'm 32wks 5 days and its uncomfortable. I toss n turn all night and the leg/foot/ankle cramps suck :( I have found that sometimes if I lay on the couch with my body pillow and big mink blanket
    , I fall asleep better..I'm thinking cuz there's back support from the couch, I'm not sure..but it might be worth a try for u :)
  • I am 28 weeks n sleeping sucks for me when my hubby is there but when he is at work I sprawl out n sleep way good, maybe u just need the bed to ur self, I miss my hubby when he isn't there but at the same time I'm kinda glad I get the bed to my self :)
  • me too . anybody go to bef at lik 10 or so nd wake up at lik 730 nd is up all day ? or il wake up nd not b able to go bak to sleep . !!!! I hste it .
  • Wow its good to know im not alone lol. I cant sleep past 10am im up early even if i go to sleep early smh
    But i wish you all the best. Its almost over for most of us. Thank god
  • Omg, i have the same pblm....i was up all night last night (and had a few contractions!!!)....i always wake up and cant go back to sleep for hours....every position is so uncomfortable....i use a body pillow and it helps out :) i put the top part under my bump and the bottom between my knees :D
  • I always have a hard time sleeping I'm 26 weeks and toss and turn all night. I wanna sleep on my stomach so bad but it's uncomfortable, I know it's only gonna get worse I can't wait til my baby boy gets here
  • I'm 38 weeks now nearing the end of my pregnancy and I have the same problem! And its like my body just feels uncomfortable like I have to urinate constantly and my legs feel numb and swollen :( And my husband sleeps like a baby all night while I'm dying! People tell me to try pillows between my knees and it doesn't work! I just can't wait till my princess gets here....uuugh! Don't worry mommies, all our pain and suffering will be rewarded soon enough :)
  • @Mz_Mommie that is part of her problem too, she was only 4 lbs 8 oz. So he body is so little the gain all of their weight the last month, and she missed all of that. She is doing much better though, hoping to bring her home sometime this week
  • @maybabygirl yay! & congrats on your baby girl I'm having a girl too
  • @MayBabygirl my son was born 4,8 in 06 they didnt keep him
  • I am 22w5d and wake up every hour to pee. Depending on what side I sleep on my hand on that side will be in excruciating pain...i don't get much sleep either.
  • Yea this sleeping issue suck. I have a prenatal pillow but when i lay on it on my side, my son starts kicking it lol like he dnt want me on it. Its so uncomfortable. The worst tho is when his head starts roaming in my va jay jay TMI lol but omg it tickles and uncomfortable
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