My goodness im so freaking irritated!! Dont know how to calm myself!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Ugh im so fustrated I want to cry! I waited all damn day for my mom so I can go to the hospital bcause I have no one to watch my daughter and I find excuses NOT to go to the hospital unless my dr sends me or my water breaks I hate the hospital! It was my moms idea to take me but has me effinn waiting since this morning, everything was more important then me cramping and having pain whil shes getting her car washed and cleaned, and gettin my stupid brother a damn cell who is 21 and doesnt work whose a complete MOOCHER! Im stuck at her house wit my aunts 4 bad ass kids and my 2 dumb ass brothers who im 2seconds away from beatin the crap out of 16 and 17 and they think they're grown! Im so mad Im in my room bcause I know im goin to end up sayin something really stupid and cause and arguement.. Now she wants to take me in the morning I jus ignored her I have nothing to say to her at this point what if I went into labor while ahe was effin gone doin stupid crap and I had 7 kids wit me? Uhh I swear so selfish! I wana cry and start yelling at them!


  • You dont have anybody else to watch your baby?
  • No just my aunt but she just came and dumped her kids on me. Her dad aint around and my brother cant even watch themselves.. Having a bad day :(
  • If u call a ambulance they bring the kids with u and have a place for then to stay till someone gets there and there supervized,,, just in case u do go into labor its something to know
  • Oh my.... how far r u
  • @MrsLaMaster I wont leave my daughter with people I dont know.. It has to be some I know real well or I wont go.. Ive always been that way lol.

    @betty im 35wks and 4days
  • I'm so sorry...last thing you needed today :-( hope everything is ok...i wanna bitch slap them for you for ignoring the fact that you need to be checked out. Sorry dont want to offend but really?? Hope you can rest tonight and keep us posted on how you are doing..
  • Thank you im not offended. I will keep you all updated I hope I get sleep tonight as well. Im just irritated and tired.
  • I understand, I was just givingu some info for if it did come down to u being alone and going into labor....
  • Thanks for that atleast if it does happen I know now :) I appreciate it alot
  • havent seen an update...everything ok????
  • Yea everything is fine im in bed staying off my feet I have a dr appt tuesday babys moving jus fine so im not too worries.. Since im 9months I know im gona be in more pain then usual and im fine noq thanks for being concerned. God bless you all :)
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  • I had that problem with my second kid. Me and my bf live together my parents live in NY I had no one else at the time 2 help me I was having really bad pains and he didnt want 2 take me 2 the hospital cause he wanted 2 go 2 sleep b4 he went 2 work. im glad I didnt go into labor cause the pain was ever 2-3 minutes. He will never do that 2 me again cause I told him I will leave and go live with my family in NY.
  • Families. Never cease to amaze. Lots of love to you, all will be fine.
  • Thanks ladies :) I havent really said anything about what I feel to my family I jus stay in bed I rather not stress it and argue with them
  • I cant help myself every time im irritated I take it out on my bf.
  • Lately I jus been cleaning alot to get rid of my fustration. It works all the time then a nice shower after does it for me
  • Glad to know you are ok...was getting a bit worried. Let us know how doc appt goes!
  • I will, u ladies are the best! Thanks friends
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