
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So I just visited my high school which I just left last year while pregnant. As I was visiting one of my old teachers I told her I was having a girl and she looked at me as if she didn't know so I said I thought you knew and she said "no I just thought you were having a hard time getting the baby weight off from the last pregnancy."
Also there is this guy I work with who told me I look like a football player, and he said he was gonna kick the baby out of me.

Just wondered what some rude things have been said to other people while pregnant.????=)


  • edited April 2011
    Someone asked me if I were having twins, and I'm barely showing. So I told them, I was, but we lost one, (which is true). They were like, I'm so sorry!! So I was a butt and told them the evil one ate the good one and walked off while they looked horrified... Hormones have kicked in!!!
  • When my god-daughters uncle found out I was pregnant he told me he would kick me in the stomach. He has a huge crush on me, but he's so not my type. Besides I've been with my boyfriend for 9 years so he didn't stand a chance.
  • the kids at the daycare I work for tell me all the time I have a fat belly LOL I'm learning how to laugh about it but its hard with these danged hormones LOL
  • the people at my son daycare whispered she doesnt have a baby in there. her whisper was alittle to loud lol
  • @jellybelly1015 I'm sorry for your loss. But the way you handled that was good. Idk if I could have handled it very well.
    @kcoolzchic the guy I work with that I mentioned also has a crush on me and always tries to txt me or call me even though he has met my son and bd. Makes no sense.
    @mrs_wainright it is much easier to laugh about it when its kids saying it since they don't know much better lol.
  • My husband was very rude and made me cry. He wants a boy. He told me if I have a girl he's going to shoot her! :-((

    I told my mom and now she's all worried b.c. he's in the army and 'is a trained killer'. I don't think he'd ever do it.. but she's scared/worried for me.
  • My bf's dad saw me and said wow ur getting fat... the first time he saw me in weeks.... i was speechless, what a prick.
  • @havin_a_girl thanks, I felt like an @$$ after I said it cause I'm still torn up Bout losing one, but hopefully the next pregnant woman they come across won't get asked stupid insensitive questions...
  • @leggs2011 my hubby keeps saying if we have a redhead boy he is putting him up for sale on eBay :( (I'm redheaded)
  • @leggs2011I wouldn't worry about it. If it does end up being a girl not a boy. He will see his little girl for the first time and fall in love with her.=)
    @Newmom2be23 I'm so sorry. I would have cried. That is so mean.
  • I was told by one of the residents at my work that I was so big I was gona break the floor...
  • @havin_a_girl he sounds more like a stalker...Lol
  • My sons grandfather taught him to refer to me as "the fat one" I'm not even that big yet!
  • My husbands brother hasn't seen me in about 4 weeks, I personally don't think I'm showing at all. So the other day I'm making a plate if food (not even for me! For my daughter!) And he goes woah, you have gained so much weight, sure you want to eat that?! Then gets red and goes oh sorry, forgot you were pregnant since you just look chunky.
    Wow, great save? I think not.
  • @jellybelly1015
    Lol I'm wondering if I'm gonna have a redhead. I have dark red hair and hubby has dark brown hair, but he's English, Irish, and Scottish so he's got the genes.
  • My bf tells me I'm fat constantly . "he calls me big mama". It pisses me off :/ and he tells me if I ever leave him he'll knee me in the stomach. What a dick . I hate him sometimes ...
  • @victoriab and @jellybelly1015 I'm also a redhead and bf is 100% Irish but has dirty blonde hair. He wants a redhead but I don't. Red hair only runs on the girls in my family so curious if we will pop out a redhead boy
  • @redhead25 and @jellybelly1015
    My parents both have brown hair and my dad's other 3 kids have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm the odd one with red hair and hazel eyes. I knew a red haired man who had three kids and only his son had red hair. Its such a weird recessive gene :/
  • @victoriab I have 5 sisters and out of the 6 of us 2 of us are redheads. She had a little girl with red hair and brown eyes. The only redhead I've ever seen with brown eyes. Both my parents have brown hair but my dad had the red beard. My moms dad had red hair. (they r grey now) My best friend is a redhead too and so is her sister but both their parents have brown hair.
  • my boss has told me on three separate occasions that im huge or getting huge or if i keep growing at this rate blah blah blah. im 18weeks and i have gained 7 lbs i dont see the big deal we are pregnant ya know!
  • My aunt (who I can't stand!!!) Said I was going to have a huge baby and that "that baby weight has to come off after you know" I just looked at her and smiled,and informed her I've gained about 12 lbs (im 8.5 months) so then she switched and started saying how unhealthy I am and blurb blah blah. Um hello!! I think my Dr would be able to tell me if there's an issue, but since my babys growing at the right rate and I was overweight before he says its fine!! I'm not gonna listen to your crazy ass!!! Ugh.
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