Roller Coasters!!!



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  • Safe but not fun @ all! Kudos to them for sitten around!
  • I wudnt need eny iill get over it
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  • I wouldn't go on a roller coaster if I was u. Wish there was positive feedback but in the case of roller coasters that can really harm ur baby if u do sorry to say but ur just throwing in the towel on ur baby--safety first :)
  • Omg get cha panties out ya ass. I said if doc tells me no then I won't!
  • That's what u call smart and mature esp for being 15... that's responsibility
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  • edited April 2011
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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy - don't bother. This is a lost cause!
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  • You already have a 2 year old?? How are you going to explain to your mother that she no longer will be having another grand kid because you lost him or her in order to have a little fun? god use your head please
  • You you asked our opinions so we told you. Grow up.
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  • @richen24 she's laughing about it!! That's the frustrating part
  • Knowing ppl loose babies she considers it. Lost cause. And I have fun all the time prego so ur just a Fookin child who don't deserve a child! God is blessing u and punishing u I guess.
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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy - what makes it even worse is that she already has a child. Say a prayer for both kids. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Thankfully, we have an early flight out of this foodless country. Jersey, here I come! Have a good night! (:|
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  • I always planned to check with my doc First they just started going crazy on me so I just started posting anything!! I dnt blame my kids for this. I kno my post sound bad I was jus saying stuff so they'll leave
  • Don't blame your kids because your "stuck" in an apt having to raise them. You apparently had one you didn't want so you should of learned how not to get pregnant again. I'm sorry having babies cramps your style with your friends but maybe you should of thought about that before you became a mom. Maybe you should do yourself and this baby a favor and give it to someone who will "like" it and appreciate it.
  • Hahhahahah "i rather go on a roller coaster, then sit around n get fat" i know.i read right, hahahahhaaj i.didny know.u lost weight while gettting on a roller coaster lol....ignorance is ignorance....and bout ur other comment "getting on a coaster not like im going to a bar to get drunk...." might as well.... u dont give a damn bout this poor baby...
  • Nooo U R saying stuff cause u are IN NEED OF ATTENTION HUN...
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  • 1 you have mentioneed that you don't like kids...and you have a 2 yr old?? I hope you have a good family that takes care of her
    2 you stated that you want to get your tubes tied but they won't let you due to age you wanted them tied after your first baby
    3 you laughed about riding a coaster being compared to getting drunk....because it is about the same thing and then you added that you minus well just smoke a blunt so clearly you know the effects the coaster will have
    Would you like me to continue??
    Keep your legs closed because you are clearly not smart enough to use birth control properly and you probably don't even know what a condom is
  • omg. this girl is not a mother, she's a child having a child, a mother woudn't put her unborn child into danger, and its sad she is willing to make her child sick just to have a few mins of fun, This post shoul be closed because she's here to cause touble. everyone knows not to ride on rides when having a baby, baby bumb or not. your just SELFISH. and its sad that you said" If I lost it I'll just have another one" thats just sick.
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