gyne or family practioner?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My 1st gyne visit is on feb 21st. And I have an appointment with a gynecologist. And just today someone told me it's better to go to a family practioner cuz a FP will give you more personal attention. Is that true? And what should I expect on my 1st visit? Thanks a tons! I am a 1st time mom & I am nervous.


  • You need to see an OB not a GYN.... or a midwife which ever you prefer.... OBs are personally bit take you time picking one.... see different ones and pick the one you like the most.... that is what I did with my first
  • I have an obgyn and I absolutely LOVE my doctor. I have never received better care from a doctor. I would suggest finding an obgyn that you really click with and that makes you look forward to your visits.
  • I did mean obgyn. Thanks for correcting me and answering my question at this time. It's almost 12 in chicago. Thanks.
  • That is where I am from.... I miss home :'(
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