Any body have children and now that your preggo their acting weird?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My 6 year old is whining all the time, its like he can tell that he won't be the baby anymore so he is bugging out.


  • My two year old is doing the same thing
  • Yeahhh its really weird right?
  • I am inctedably blessed. I have an amazing son who adores his lil sis. Even though they argue n fight time to time they are amazing. And he can't wait for his new baby. My daughter adores babies as well, and can't wait to have her sis. She is my supper cuddly one though, so that's one issue I can see arising. But my kids are pretty close in age so they never got much time as the only child. They are as tired of waiting as me though lol every apt I go to they ask if the dr is going to take the baby out now!?
  • My daughter is just grasping the fact that the is a baby in mommy's belly.... but I was the widest thing.... I never had a problem out of her.... every now and then she would throw a fit or two like any normal 2 year old but now she whined and yerns for attention and she starts crying...but nothing has changed.... its like she senses another baby.... lol
  • My boys are anxious too but my lil guy is acting out of the ordinary
  • I hope it blows over.... I hope mine does too.... I feel bad in a way.....
  • My 4yr old sometimes crawls around the house and not respond when I talk to him. Haha. But other times he wants to do everything by himself.
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