Chances of water breaking

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
My water broke with my first two children. I am pregnant with my third and just wondering what the chances are that I would be that lucky again?


  • Every pregnancy is different. Dr broke my water with the first. My second was born on the way to the hospital, so my water broke about 30 seconds before her head came out. I think it took so long because nobody had their hand in there trying to figure out what was going on. Babys position also has something to do with it.
  • Yeah mine broke naturally. Im scared I won't know If I'm in laborif this one doesn't break. I had no contractions until a few hours aftet it broke, and they were induced! So it was like I got those, took a nap, had the babies
  • You will know if you are in real labor. Everyone says that, and they are right. I had a false alarm the night before my youngest was born, but at 6 am i was sure. My first was induced, and i didn't feel like it was real, so im glad my youngest was totally natural. Hope this one will be too
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