12!! That's a whole baseball team including the benchers lol I have 11 neices and nephews and a 7 year old brother...I am only 19 lol I am on my first and we are so excited....but 2 will be more than enough for us
We have 5 and one on the way he has 4 from a previous relationship and I had onee ppl keep asking us if we are getting cut or tied and I say nooo way with 4 boys and 1girl and a girl on the way im loving the big family I say if it happens it happens and I love all our kiddos I support big families they are amazing
I wanted 12 I was a only child then I said 6 but think we will stop after this bub no4 4 boys our house just wouldn't fit anymore esp if we ended up having a little princess
My hubby and I have 6 with 1 on the way. Will be a grand total of 7 this summer. We will then have 4boys & 3 girls. Ages 17,15,14,13,3,& 20 months old. I love a big family!