soon to be a father help!!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im going to be a dad in october with my beautiful adorable girlfriend and i wont lie im so ready for this but scared any advice i can have while my girlfriend is going through her stages of pregancy she is 4 weeks pregnant cheers


  • Just be very supportive & let her have her way. :-) you have a looooong road ahead of you. Good luck & Congrats
  • Be supportive when she cries or gets upset...even if u don't understand..which u probably won't lol...and don't tell her she's being'll make it worse :)
  • First off she will have allot of mood swings, try and not get frustrated with her, because she can't help her emotions due to her hormones. 2nd if u want sex and she doesn't its really not a good idea to keep bugging her, lol I know this from experience. The nausia and vomiting for the first three months may seem endless bit just hang in there, or maybe she gets lucky and doesn't have nausia or vomiting. To be honest, every pregnancy is different and just help her through it as much as possible, it may be frustrating at sometimes, but just think at the end of the nine months you will be holding a beautiful baby boy/girl, so just hang in there and congrats on u being a new daddy :)
  • Do your best to understand that pregnancy hormones are no joke. I'm one of those gals who doesn't get all hormonal or have PMS symptoms from my monthly, but this pregnancy thing is affecting me like crazy. One minute, I'm so mad or frustrated over something (usually stupid) that I wanna scream, the next I wanna just cry for seemingly no reason. It sucks. So just please understand that if this happens to her, it's not her fault, & you will get your old girlfriend back. Just be strong...& oh so patient. Back and foot rubs help, too. And cookies. Lol!
    Best of luck. You're going to be a GREAT daddy. Congrats!!
  • Thank you everyone really means alot to me ive been hrlping her through it ive made her a bit stressed but reading this advice has given me a better stronger understanding
  • You may not wanna stress her out too much cause too much stress during the first 3 months may cause miscarriage. I know because this happened to me once already. Just try and be as sweet and calm towards her as possible and everything should be just fine :)
  • Id feel horrible if i gave her a miscarriage. But yea im trying so hard im a very paranoid person but all this pos feedback does help so thank you i just am worried her hormones might do something to upset me
  • Just be patient with her :)
  • Congratz man!
  • Just from being on here... I can tell you care. That's what she needs to know. Good job and keep that up. Also be patient... you seem like a great person. Good luck and Congrats
  • I can't believe no one has said talk to her ask her what she wants how you can help every woman is different and the best thing you cam do is communicate with her so she knows tour there and you care about what she wants. Also it works both ways if you have fears or concerns tell her a good relationship works on being honest and this is a very hard time for some be there for each other and listen to each other.
  • I want belly rubs and soy milk and tofu and you to go vegan like meee!!! :P In case you were wondering that is.. Also an ample supply of vegan cupcakes wouldn't go astray..
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