what do you say to your mom who wishes death on ur unborn child



  • WOW, I feel sorry for YOU that you had to be born to such a heartless mother. Nobody deserves that. And of course your baby for having to have such a hateful grandmother.
  • That is horrible! I would never say that about my grandkids. I would say cut her out as soon as you move.... and this is coming from a grandma.:)
  • edited April 2011
    I would let her know that you don't agree with what she said. Your baby is perfect just like ur other two and that if she has more opinions like that she can keep them to herself.

    My mom got mad when I married my husband who is African. She said she wouldn't have anything to do with my mulatto grandbabies and I told her that was her choice. (I didn't agree with her choice.) She later came around and totally accepts my husband and daughter. But she still says off the wall things like now that I'm pregnant again the princess will be knocked off her thrown (the princess being my 22 month old daughter) I told her that's not true the princess will meet her prince. I would do what you can to speak truth into your daughters lives and let your momma say crazy things. They will eventually realize grandma's not right.

    You are their mom and you can always limit how much ur children see her.
  • that's your mom and you love her but sometimes to love is to let go just stay away and make sure she is in good health and didn't need anything
  • Wow.. I thought my grandmother was the only person who could think that.. im sorry.. id stay away from that negitivity if I were u
  • @snookums Tell her to find Jesus. He will take her pain and anger away!
  • Your mother is concerned about the color of the child's skin being dark????

    May I ask where y'all are from??
  • just on bout your lifes...congrats on the baby...my grandma told me the same thing bout my daughter i just went on bout my life...all you need too be worry bout is your baby
  • Hun my mom said all of the same things to me, she screamed in my face when she was drunk and I screamed right back at her. It honestly felt good to get my anger out, she's started to get over everything but she still has her moments, just keep letting her know it's your choice and you're going to do what you want.
  • I'm from Louisiana....n my mom jus one of those ppl who is heartless n don't care wat she says to hurt you or don't care wat she do...I can't live lik this no more...I'm trying my hardest to find places to go...staying n this lil ass town don't really hv crap : (
  • She will regret all that 1day esp when she needs u n ur not there for her. Along time ago my dad told me he was gonna disown me b/c I was preg. By a blacc guy n im white plus I was really young. He was just mad n disappointed n me not b/c he was blacc but b/c I was 15 just thought id share my story w/ u hope ur mom comes to her senses good luck throughout ur pregnancy :)
  • Me and my mother dont get along either, Ive come to the point where Im sick and tired of trying. I have 3 sons now and I'm 22wks preggo with my first daughter and I dont want her to her shit to do with my daughter! Sometimes you just gotta cut ur losses.
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