Update- failed mirena - bad news

edited April 2011 in December 2011
Well, I'm sorry to say that we lost our fight to stay optimistic. I have been spotting off and on for the last week and yesterday afternoon bright red bleeding began. Lee took me to emergency where they confirmed embryonic death had occurred. There was a beautiful round gestational sac and early placenta that had a massive bleed behind it and no fetal pole. With my level of hcg the doc expected to see a further along pregnancy or a multiple pregnancy but there was just emptiness. Emptiness right next to my mirena. My cervix had dilated enough that they were able to remove the IUD with hemostats? But I chose to forgo the d&c and instead was prescribed misoprostol and a narcotic pain reliever. I placed the misoprostol at midnight last night and am just now experiencing the cramping and clotting. I took a vicodin. I didn't need it yet physically so I feel a little guilty but emotionally it has helped numb some of the "pain" and keep some of the thoughts at bay. I wish all the luck to you ladies and still very much share your joy. I plan to return in November when I know ill get to see pictures of these beautiful little ones. Much love and thoughts for all of you to have happy beautiful pregnancies.~Kris


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