sharp pains, just want to sleep!! advice...

Hi ladies... I'm having shaaaarp shooting lightning pains in my groin from my baby girl and intense pressure on my hips, it's becoming too much so I can't sleep :/ anyone experiencing this? And if so, how can I relieve any of this? Tried a warm bath and different positions in bed.
I'm 35 weeks and sooo ready for her to come out lol


  • I've had that to but I'm already almost 38 weeks and I've been having them since I was 33 weeks. But just to be safe call your doctor or go to l&d
  • ow lol! Be happy that your having the mild contractions regularly so you dont exp them all at once during labor! This is normal so hopefully u will have your baby soon..sounds gross but warm milk really does help...i have to sometimes ditch my comfy bed for the hard floor to get comfy I also roll back and forth on golf balls to ease deep lower back pa
  • Pains* goodluck!
  • I would try a chiropractor that deals with pregnant women. Worked like a charm for me :)
  • I take tylenol
  • sounds like bubs bearing down my lil 1s doin tthe same not long yay!
  • Try to kick ur feet up to a wallfor about 15 minutes always helped me as for the hip pain sit up kinda cross ur less not a lot I know its hard and move side to side
  • It happened to me when I was 34 wks it lasted for 3wks after that it just hurts once or twice a week .im 39wks now
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