why do I feel guilty ?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
me and my baby's father have been broken up for 2 months now, and I have been talking to 1 of my good guy friends about it.he is always making me feel better about everything and today he even asked me to go see a movie with him.how sweet, I declined bc I keep feeling guilty about my ex. I can't bring myself to go out with someone else bc I feel like I'm cheating on him and were not even together he doesnt even want to be with me. Anyone else feeling like this ?


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  • @richjen24 yea I know well I'm still pregnant I'm 25 weeks, but he says there is a 1% chance of gettin back with me and although I want to be with him I've done everything I could and its still not working. Do u still think I should give my guy friend a try even though I'm preg ?
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  • Hmm I'm just going to have to get over the guilty feeling and try! Your right it probably will work out thank you for the advice :)
  • I think you should go for it. You need to move on with your life and while baby hasnt been born yet it wont be complicated. When baby is born thats when things will get confusing and complicated..i think you should be comfortable with yourself.. dont force yourself if you arent comfortable going but i think it would be fine.. especially since baby isnt born yet
  • If nothing else - at least you get out of the house and get a few good laughs with friends? You don't need to jump into anything - just hang out!
  • Yea very true:)
  • I would give ur friend a try...just be very honest with him...tell him ur nervous, scared, etc. I met my fiance after I had my first son and told him from day one that we were a pkg deal and if he didn't want that to just walk away and save us all the trouble of getting hurt. 5 years later we're engaged and expecting another baby boy! He's such a good father and is all my son has ever known..I couldn't be more greatful! Good luck and keep us posted! :) @steph_s90
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