yeast infection while pregnant... tmi!

edited April 2011 in Health
When I was 33 weeks with my son I got a yeast infection. My doc said fluconazole pills are off limits during pregnancy and nursing so I was stuck using an otc cream which didn't work. The infection wasn't cleared up by the time I deliverd at 37 weeks. Because of it my baby got thrush and spread it back to me while breastfeeding. No good. It hurt so bad I had to switch to formula so we could both get cleared up. I'm 20 weeks now and I don't want to go down that road again. Any advice on how I can avoid this this time?


  • Did u use the 7 day monistat? I had to suffer thru the 7 day one bc the 3 day didn't work. The dr can also prescribe a cream
  • You can use the pessary that you insert in the vagina while pregnant I have had 5 so far and that clears it up.
  • I got a yeast infection 2 when I was 32wks . N my ob told me all I can do its to put this cream on me and insert this lil pill thru there , mines did went away for 2 days then came back and still have it , now im 39wks n im scared
  • @LillieBug I used the 7 day but no luck. I'm trying to avoid an infection all together. I'd rather not wait till I get one to get rid of it.
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  • My doc prescribes me this one pill and it cleared it up
  • Is it the external or internal infection
  • Diflucan is safe after ur 1st trimester. That's what my doc jus gavr me & it's already cleared up & it was a pretty bad one. Advice she gave me to prevent it was always wipe front to back, wear all cotton panties, and absolutely no thongs. But they're very common during pregnancy so pretty much hard to prevent.
  • I have one right now my doctor wants me to try the monistat (sp?) 3 day or 7 day I'm kind of freaking out I'm 36 weeks I don't want to have this if I go into early labor! If otc doesn't work I have to go in and be examined and get medicine for it... But this is my first yeast infection ever so idk much about them. What is thrush? Oh and as for prevention I got mine from antibiotics I got for sinus infection..
  • Ughh I've had two already! I ended up getting a bladder infection at 15 weeks and the antibiotic caused a yeast infection. The first round of antibiotic didn't clear up the bladder infection so round two caused another yeast infection! My poor vagina! So I just finished the prescription cream the dr gave me.. it begins w a t..tericosone or something? Idk, but it worked in three days both times. Good luck preventing them! I'm 20 weeks and praying for no more vag problems!
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  • Oh yeah, I got them twice as often with my first pregnancy bc while I was pregnant my husband was not pulling out anymore. Dr said that can easily mess up pH. She actually suggested condoms which I totally laughed about. That would just make yeast infections more likely for me not to mention my husband and I have Never used one! This pregnancy he just pulls out and yeast infections aren't an issue.
  • 100% Cranberry juice
  • Thanks everybody! :*
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