when did everyone have their first ultrasound?



  • @kcantu2 I wish I wouldn't have known so soon it makes it go by extra extra long and slow
  • I had mine at 19 weeks when we found out the sex. But I know a lot of people who have gotten them earlier
  • mine was at 7 weeks
  • I had blood work done to confirm my pregnancy at 5 weeks, then I didn't even have my first prenatal appointment until 10 weeks and they did a physical and urine tests. I had two more appointments, one every 4 weeks, before my ultrasound at 20 weeks. And that was last Friday.

    I'll continue to have one appointment every 4 weeks until I think the third trimester. And they just listen to the heartbeat, get a urine sample, and ask me how I'm doing. At my last appointment she also pressed on my tummy to feel my uterus.
  • I had mine at 6 weeks due to a mc a month before I had a total of 5 already and have to get another next month
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