
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am 20 weeks prego with my first baby. I am alreadii high risk because I have epilepsy (seizures) and on my first ultrasound they found that I have a huge cyst on my right ovary that needs to be takin out. The cyst is very painful but I try to take it because getting surgery now may harm my baby...the doctor has now told me I will have to have a c-section :-( and I'm terrified ... has anyone ever had one before ?? Is it painful??


  • Mine was an emergency c-section and I was out for the whole thing, so I can't tell you anything about what went down in the OR. But I'm not gonna lie...mine hurt like hell afterwards. But you get medicine to help. The way I see it you either get all the pain up front or spread out over a couple weeks. It wasn't so bad that I wouldn't do it again.
  • Of course csections dont feel good. But the pain can be managed with medications.
  • I had a c section with my first daughter. The whole procedure itself wasn't painful to me. the docs explain what's going on the whole time. I remember when they said ur gonna feel tugging, it was just that a tugging feel. the recovery on the other hand was not so great. I remember being in a great deal of pain yeah u get meds but, u have to wait for them to kick in like any other meds. good luck, just remember u will have a beautiful little bundle of joy that makes all the pain worth iT :)
  • I've had 2 emergency csections and this one will be planned. Everyones experience is different mine was not bad pain not bad at all. I recommend stool softeners LOL had trouble pooping after. You will enjoy down time/ recovery time bonding with your baby. Stay calm and relax try not to stress it it will be fine!
  • Every one is different. My first I didn't take pain meds at all ( the Dr never asked if I wanted them) second I took the meds. Both were painful but 2 weeks I was recovered.. my sil went natural and didn't recover for 2 months.. each is different
  • Thanx guys I'm terrified of needles I hate the way they feel goin in and I was told that they give you a shot in the back and its really painful :(
  • They numb you before they put in the epidural.. To me it feels like they are hitting a funny bone in your back... Take Stool softeners.. Ask for pain meds asap.. Once the epidural wears off your gonna be in pain.
  • I had natural birth with my first and a c section with my second. I going to try a vbac with this one. I didn't have a pleasant experience with the c section so I would like to have a another natural birth.
  • Epidural doesn't hurt at all I really couldn't feel anything. It's more a mind thing scarey I still get scared and for no reason LOL
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