Looks like this is gonna be a LONG road for me! I'm 17 weeks with twins and I have +1 pitting edema from my knees down, and skin is blanching up to my abdomen. Anybody else out there swelling this early??
Thank you! Drinking water has been a problem for me since the get-go. My doc wants me drinking close to 10 bottles of water a day for the twins..its soooo hard to drink that much! I'm doing good to get in 4 :-( I suppose that's the prob, gonna have to force myself.
Best invention ever is a camel back water bottle, it works like a sippy cup almost lol and it has over 24 oz in it. And you drink the water so fast you dont even notice! I had an awful time drinking enough water. And geting dehydrated until I got it! ... love mine