Walmart Pregnancies

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Anybody else pregnant in the Walmart business? These 8-9hr shifts are already killing me.


  • edited April 2011
    No but with my first I was doing 8 hr shifts all on my feet. Worked at white castle. Boss wouldn't let me go part time....ass hole. Anyway I worked on Friday am 7-3. Was supposed to work Saturday 7am-3pm too but baby came in the middle of the nite. Water broke at 3am Saturday. Out she came at 7:35am. 4 & 1/2 hours of labor the only good thing.
  • I was, I ended up quitting in my first tri too many hospital visits and I was soo tired dose hrs were killing me!!
  • I been there over a year. Im almost on a d day due to being in the hospital. Im only on my 2nd tri. I wanna cut back to part time but need the money of full time.
  • Yes indeed. Been a CSM longer than I care to admit. LOTS of walking...14 weeks and my feet are already killing me at the end of the day!
  • My fiance also works the bakery department....he likes to make the joke that he "put a bun in the oven" lol
  • I work at Walmart too, but I only work like 4-5 hr. Shifts cuz its my second job. I work 16 hr shifts at my other job though which really sucks. But then I only have to work 3 days a week there which is pretty nice. What dpt. Do u work in ?
  • I get the fun combo of papergoods and chemicals and pets. My fiance is an o/n cashier.
  • I worked there till I was 34 weeks. I cant stand walmart. They treat you like absolute shit. At least the one I worked at did..
  • My Walmart treats me pretty well.
  • I worked the bakery almost a year! I quit I'm my first trimester because they tried to continue making me do a lot me heavy lifting and working the freezers! Being on my feet, and barely getting chances for a break sucked! I miss the paycheck but glad I quit!
  • I dont work at wal mart but i have the samee feelings about my job...10.5hours a day and then home having to pick up there.. ugh exhausting.. im soo frustrated with work i wish i couldd quit..
  • They made me pull pallets (loaded), stand on ladders, and lift heavey boxes. They knew I was pregnant. Associates were rude and it was very stressful. I worked in apparel.
  • My job requires me to lift 50+dogs and some ppl barley help me.. they say i can lift it im just being a baby and saying that to get out of picking up the dog.. my dr said no more then 10lbs..
  • @kritten_octoberbby your dr can give you a note saying you cant do certain stuff like weight limits.
  • I worked at Sams! Lol in my first trimester before finding out I was preggo I was a cashier n the heavy lifting killed me! I was switched to door greeter but bc my pregnacies were only 9mts apart I carried low so it hurted to even walk let alone climb stairs I was up all throughout my 8 hr shifts n it sucked I think I cried every nite when I got home so I ended up quittin 3 mts before I gave birth it was hell n w all my complications durin I dunno how I ever did it
  • Well I still pull pallets and lift boxes and climb ladders. My dr has me at no restrictions. He said my body is used to doing all that stuff already so its ok to continue as long as im using proper lifting techniques. I work in chemicals paper and pets. I still lift cases of laundry soap and 50lb bags of dog food. Management watches out for me and other associates yell at me for lifting but its been ok'd by my dr for now. I know my limits its just killing my feet.
  • I worked at walmart for 3yrs 5months. I just quit like 2 weeks ago and I still have a job. they won't fire me for nothing. I worked in the deli for the first 3 yrs. I got tired of that change too grocery stocker. Then I found out I was pregnant things completely changed. I had all day morning sickness for the first 2mths. I wasn't happy while working. I finally woke up one morning and told my hubby I wasn't going to work. I haven't been back since. Some of my manager cared about me other didn't once they asked my to help down stack a truck I was whoa no Im pregnant. My co manager looked at me asked if I had a doctors note.
  • I documented a proof of pregnancy with personnel and even before then when I didn't I wasn't asked to do anything crazy.
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