inducing my own labor

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm in my37th week and I am seeing midwifes. They haven't tols me how big he is and I'm doing natural home birth. Sooo before he can get to big I'm inducibg my own labor. I know lots of swx will help but its not really an oprion seeing as how my bf is saying he is stressed and is having raspberry tea...I've heard castor oil but bleh don't want that. Anything else I can do other then massaging the front of my ankle for the pressure point?


  • I've heard nothing really works, the pressure point is roughly 4 fingers above the inside ankle bone, where the 4th finger would be and you are supposed to massage for about 10 mins at a time, not sure how long altogether. Also heard that may only work if you are 40+ wks...
  • Y don't u ask ye doc to induce ur labor
  • I'm doing the same @Rachelmt21 (natural homebirth w/mw) im 38w3d and I've been taking raspberry leaf pills and walking at least 2-3 miles a day briskly lol.. I also am doing perineal massage and taking evening primrose for tearing :) but still no baby yet :o
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  • If your body is not ready to go into labor it wont. just like if you are in real labor there is no way to actually stop it. it is a freak of nature thing that happens on its own. yes if your body is completely ready to deliver some things may help get contractions oging, but if you are not ready nothing is going to happen.
  • You can use evening primrose oil capsules (insert them by your cervix) twice a day from 36 weeks on. It will make your cervix softer and more ready when you do go into labor. My friend is a doula and she said you can massage rose oil on your perineum (although I've never heard that one until now, my 4th pregnancy) you can use castor oil but I wouldn't recommend it because you aren't full term yet. So it probably wont work but it will give you HORRIBLE gas pain and bathroom issues later.

    If your concern is that the baby is too big I would relax. In my experience larger babies are easier to birth because gravity works for you. My daughter was 9.9 and 22.5 inches long. Her whole labor start to finish was 8 hours and it went extremely smoothly. If I were you I would practice relaxing your muscles while laying down a few times a day and I would squat to do chores as much as possible. You really don't want to induce until the baby has finished baking ;)
  • Nothing worked for me. I'm getting induced today. The baby will come when ready
  • Well as far as having a big baby I was 13.9lbs so I'm scared shitless lol. Im already going to be scarred for my entire life and if I birthed a 13lb baby natural I would chop his penis off or tear my female organs out myself so I can never get prego again! I don't want the doc to induce labor either cause I've heard it hurts like a mofo! And what all can I do to prevent tearing?
  • I walk all day long at work and crouch down and bend over bleh my pelvic bones hurt so baaad!
  • To prevent tearing you can try the perennial massage with oil and kegel exercises. To get some contractions with my first I did nipple stimulation and then placed a hot towel over my breasts for as long as I could or until it got cold. I did squats and bounced on a birthing ball. i bet you are getting really tired of hearing "baby will come when it's ready" lmao. It annoys me and it's not even my post :)
  • How do you massage your perineum...might be tmi but I can barley wipe my own butt lol
  • Haha it does...I came right on time and they stopped my moms labor. I was born two months late at 13.9lbs my poor mommy
  • Hard to explain but if you google it they have pictures that describe it well and even some videos. I understand your nervousness, my first son was 2 weeks early and weighed 9 lb 3 oz and I had a 3rd degree tear. Ouch! This time my doctor is inducing early yay!
  • O.O 3rd degree tear sounds dreadful. I am so tereified of this entire experience. I cry so much lol. My bf always asks what's wrong and it gets old explaining the same thing over and over again.
  • edited April 2011
    Honestly hun, the baby will not come until it is ready to come, not matter how much it annoys you or anyone else, its the truth. You can try everything, but it wont come unless its ready. Babies only come on their convenience, not yours. Why do you think baby is too big? Most babies are around 7.5lbs at full term....that's not big at all, so unless there is a pressing reason I wouldn't worry. I tried EVERYTHING to get my first to come from 36 weeks on, except Castor oil because it is not safe, I was induced a week late. She was 7lbs 9oz. The induction wasn't ad at all. I actually prefer it. As for the tearing, do kegals and have your partner do a pereneal massage since you are unable to. Just relax as much as possible hun, its kind of like when people are TTC, if they try too hard it wont happen, if you are trying too hard to get baby to come its not going to happen. :) good luck and congrats, you're almost there.
  • Yeah it wasn't the easiest recovery. if you had a doctor instead of a midwife I would say maybe you should try crying to your doctor every time you see him haha ;)
  • I know you don't want to hear it but you can do more harm than good by trying to induce yourself. Trust me if it was a good idea or safe it would one work and two dr's would be doing discretionary inductions at their convenience all the time.

    I'm pregnant with twins and I wish I could have them now!!!

    I hope the baby comes soon for your sake. Nothing is actually proven to work it's all wives tales anyway and only 'works' as a coincidence.
  • This is really TMI but the easiest way to do perineal massage is to have your partner do it. Have him use olive or rose oil on his thumbs he should put them inside your vajajay to his first knuckle then gently have him stretch the skin toward your buttocks and down and out toward your hips. It will stretch the skin and you will feel burning. It may or may not help to remember that the baby's head will be more than 10 cm (not really a great thought for me) so the looser and more mouisturized you can make that area of skin the better.
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  • @mama_kat I almost had my first on the toilet too. I even tried to find a birthing stool because it was soooo much easier on the toilet lol
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