inducing my own labor
I'm in my37th week and I am seeing midwifes. They haven't tols me how big he is and I'm doing natural home birth. Sooo before he can get to big I'm inducibg my own labor. I know lots of swx will help but its not really an oprion seeing as how my bf is saying he is stressed and is having raspberry tea...I've heard castor oil but bleh don't want that. Anything else I can do other then massaging the front of my ankle for the pressure point?
If your concern is that the baby is too big I would relax. In my experience larger babies are easier to birth because gravity works for you. My daughter was 9.9 and 22.5 inches long. Her whole labor start to finish was 8 hours and it went extremely smoothly. If I were you I would practice relaxing your muscles while laying down a few times a day and I would squat to do chores as much as possible. You really don't want to induce until the baby has finished baking
I'm pregnant with twins and I wish I could have them now!!!
I hope the baby comes soon for your sake. Nothing is actually proven to work it's all wives tales anyway and only 'works' as a coincidence.