should i change my baby boys name?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
we planned on naming him isaiah but i was just looking through fb & apparently my cousin has a son named isaiah. i live in florida and she lives in michigan but still is that kinda weird? i dont know what i would do changing his name though, its the only name me and my fiance have seemed to agree on...


  • Not if you aren't in regular contact! I say stick with it!
  • I would keep it if you don't see or speak to your cousin much.
  • There are three CJs in my family, two Beckys (three if you count Becky Jo, but she doesn't go by just becky), two Ambers, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head! And they ALL come to family gatherings... if you like the name Isaiah, then don't change it. It doesn't sound like you'll be seeing cousin Isaiah all that often...
  • @lucy_loo_288 wow now that would get confusing. but yeah thinking about it i guess it wouldn't be that much of a problem. last time i even saw them was 3 years ago when i went up there for a visit.
  • U dont have to I would just because I like to the only one...spoiled
  • I know a family where 2 sisters named their daughters the same name - first and middle name. So I think your situation is perfectly acceptable.
  • Keep the name. It's nice!
  • edited April 2011
    It might be kind of confusing at times but id keep it. My cousins name is rachel and they call her rachelle(rashel) sometimes and rachelle is my middle name AND my other cousins middle name who is like 4 years younger.

    Its sort of confusing but funny when we get together for holidays.
  • @preggointx i feel the same way thats why im kinda thinking maybe i should lol. the only thing is this is literally the only name me and him have been able to agree on :/

    but when it comes to things being confusing its something my family can handle pretty well. i have two brothers named chris (one from my moms previous marriage, one from my dads previous marriage)
  • My cousin and I both have Jacobs, his son was born about 6 weeks before ours but we were dead set on the name and its not a big deal. We only see each other every few years so it doesnt really matter. I say stick with the name you love.
  • My second daughter is charlotte and my sister in law had a girl 3 months later and named her charlotte. It did annoy me cause she didn't say anything. If she had asked if it was ok I wouldn't of minded so much, so I say run it by her I'd your close. X
  • My cousin has a 9 yearold named Paige and I fell in love with the name so we named our (now 18 month old) daughter that as well. They have different middle names. And they live in ohio, while we are in Colorado. we don't see each other but every few years. I also called and asked her if she would mind. Maybe talk to your cousin about it if you are worried.
  • I share the name crystal with my cousin that's two years younger than me. Her mom asked my mom when she was born if it was okay to name her krystal also. She spelled it with a k to be a little different. I really don't see her much but it bugs me alittle that we share the same name. So I wouldn't do it! Maybe use it as a middle? Unless ur dead set on it...I would have liked to be the only one in my family but oh well. :)
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