Quick question.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Does everyone spot when plantation occurs? Im going on 7 weeks, I haven't blead since my last Period in December. I also had an ultrasound at 5 weeks, only a sac could be seen.


  • I haven't had any bleeding or spotting what so ever, I'm 6.5 weeks. 5 weeks is too soon to see anything, it's normal! Congrats and good luck!
  • No not everyone spots when plantation occurs I'm 12 weeks today and haven't bled since my last period in Nov
  • I haven't bled once since my last period and I'm 22 weeks know not everyone spots and some women bleed so much theythink its a period or that they r miscarrying when its just normal for them. Every body is different ask your ob what is normal for u
  • Okay thanks girls (:
    I just keep reading about spotting, and I was like I never blead? Lol. When's everyones due date? Im due September 28th. (:
  • Due june 11th i am positive he will be here end of may tho according to my ob's calender i will be 6 whole months in a week :)
  • When I was pregnant with my first child I never bled. She's almost 3 now. I bled during my second and third pregnancies and they both ended in miscarriages. I do NOT want to see blood this time :) My dd is Sept 30th.
  • I had normal periods until I. Was 5 months preggo with my first and this time around my last period in oct was the last I've had n I'm 4 months along
  • Awe @AND83, We're close! Im sorry about your losses. Hope all is perfect with this one. (:
  • @babyboyontheway, you're getting so close!

    @dobiemomma, I'm not so worried now thanks to you and everyone else. Thanks & Good luck.
  • edited February 2011
    @MiracleM2B i know it my stomach officially sticks out further than my tatas and that's a big deal for me cuz ive always had larger than normal bust and espicially now they are super swollen but i notice yesterday how small they look comparrf to my stomach!! It is kinda funny to me
  • Haahah. I can only imagine myself in 4 months. I'm real petite. I had cancer when I was a baby. I'm bout 90 lb. I already have C cups now. Ima be an elephant lol.
  • @miraclem2b bask in the changes. I didn't with my first and regret it. This time around I'm loving it. It is fun to have bigger boobies after being an a cup my whole life! Lol!
  • I am 36 weeks pregnant. Due march 3rd. And at the beginning of this pregnancy I was spotting which scared me because I had a miscarriage 2 years ago. They couldn't detect any cardiac activity, but my son ended up being just fine and I'm hoping he will decide to come any day now! Best of luck :)
  • I'm due Aug 20 I'm very excited ! I can't wait! good luck ladies
  • I had implantation bleeding with my first, but not this one and I'm almost 15 weeks... both are normal... hope this helps! =D
  • Awe. Im so happy for all of you (:<3
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