Am i over reacting? long....
So my next doctor appointment is on the 19th. Every appointment I have had thus far has been rescheduled by my doctors office. I used to be level headed and let things slide but this has begun to be an issue. At my last appointment I was called as I was walking into the office to reschedule. Needless to say for 45 mins I was having a "talk" with the nurse and was eventually saw by a diffrent doctor. I told them if it happend one more time I would be looking for a diffrent obgyn. Well guess who called me today. My doctor has a speech to give on my next appointment so I was re scheduled yet again. My work let's me off for the appointments but because they are constantly changing they are starting to think I'm making stuff up. I've seen my doctor once out of the 5 times I have gone in. I'm very upset about this and have started the search for a new doctor. Do you guys think this situation is normal?