April Fools?? (vent)

Yesterday was such a wonderful day!!! I ate all day, and didn't get sick once! It was perfect! I felt great!! And today is the complete opposite. :( I thought I was finally getting to that amazing 2nd trimester like everybody says but it was just a mean joke my body was playing. :'( Rude!!!


  • You're not alone. I'm 17 weeks and still throw up first thing in the morning and I still have days where I feel like complete crap followed by good days.
    At least its not as bad as when I was in the first trimester.
  • When I was pregnant with my son, I got sick all day every day until past 20 weeks. My 20th birthday dinner was such a sad event. I had been feeling so much better, had a steak & baked potato, even some ice cream. We left and got about a mile or two down the road...and then my meal ended up in a parking lot. lol Five years later, he's still worth it!
  • I'm 38 weeks and still have bad days.....the morning sickness never stopped for me.....its like clock work...as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning, the toilet is the first that I get to say good morning too....its every morning....after that first time in the morning, usually the day is better unless I'm riding in a car....then every few miles we gotta pull over....with my first pregnancy, I did just have "morning" sickness, I had all day everyday sickness for about the first 5 months.....its all still very worth it!
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