Is it normal??

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have a question for a friend, she just found out she is pregnant and based on her dates she should be about six weeks. She was on Mirena for almost three years but then began having pregnancy symptoms... she took a test and it came back positive. She went into the Dr at about two weeks gestation and they determines that the IUD had at some point fallen out and that baby was in the uterus but not yet large enough to be seen. She was scheduled for a follow up ultrasound today and they determined that there is a sac but that the baby is still not visible... now my question is, at about six weeks (four weeks gestation) would the embryo be visible yet or is it more likely that it stopped developing? I think I only saw a sac at my six week ultrasound but I can't remember and I am sure that having some other input would help put her mind at ease or at least prepare her... thanks, Ladies!!


  • I don't know details, but I know that my OB/GYN won't do a transvaginal ultrasound until 10-11 weeks pregnant because there's not much to see before then. I think your friend is just going to have to wait and see.
  • I had a scan at 6 and half weeks and did see the baby but was told before that it was quite early and I might not see anything. I hope your friend is ok
  • You long be able to see sac and fetal pole, but that early, just a bubble really :)
  • Ok, thank you so much, ladies, that's what I had told her but you know how paranoid pregnancy can make you... she has a follow up in a couple more weeks to see how she is progressing. She asked the doc for more reassurance but he didn't have much to say...
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