The first real kick at.....

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
18 weeks 3 days!!!! I almost started crying lol I had just eaten a milky way,laying in bed on my back with my hand on my belly,then bump bump!!!! Two quick thumps about an inch below my belly button..made my whole day :) my little Landon likes chocolate LOL. Anyone else want to share about there little prince or princess


  • I just put a Snickers bar in the freezer. Yummy! Congrats!
  • Hey awesome name! Landon was my first favorite for a boy. Congrats on the kicks, they are amazing... ;)
  • I'm starting to feel flutters, have for a couple of days but made up my mind today its def baby!! Amazing isn't it!!! And a cold snickers sounds sooooo good right now @blueberrysmom
  • Feeling consistent movement daily since 17 weeks I have a 4 year old n let her feel it she was amazed it was amazing daddy hadn't gotten so lucky
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