in upset!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have a 3 yr old little girl who I adore. I'm 17 weeks with our 2nd. All signs pointed boy. Not to mention my nurse practitioner said it "sounded" like a boy a couple weeks ago. With that said had my ultrasound today and its a girl! I'm devastated! Of course I'm Happy my baby is healthy. My husband had his heart set on a baby boy. I'm more upset then he is.
My denial is that I was so sure it was a boy, I'm still sure its a boy. The tech said its 95% correct. I feel I'm the other 5%. I don't even want to tell anyone yet.
Anyone else been through this or feel this way now??


  • I did with this pregnancy I am having another boy and could have swore it was a girl. Now I have had several ultrasounds and have been convinced it is a boy.
  • I did too. .. I really thought this one was a boy. But she's a girl and I have a 3 year old girl already I adore.... but now I'm so happy that shell have a sister! :).....
  • This is my first anatomy u/s so I'm not convinced yet. I have a check up with my primary Dr next Tuesday. I'd like a 2nd "Its a girl" from him. I know I'm being silly. The funny thing is I'm OK having another little. Girl and can't wait but at the same time I'm so upset. I Just feel so strong about this.
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