Doctors appointment tomorrow.....

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am at the beginning of my 38th week!!! YAY last time I went it I was 40% effaced and diliated 1 cm.... been taking primerose oil tablets hope things have progressed! Im so ready!! I almost went to the hospital today, had been walking around walmart for about 90 mins and got BAD back contractions almost brought me to tears in the check out line but they calmed down after I sat in the car for about 10 mins, this little buggar needs out !! maybe tonight... [-O<


  • Good luck :)
  • about ready to go in!!
  • Im due may 10th when are you due? I wish I was effaced or dilated. Cervix was closed and soft last week and I go back tomorrow!
  • Im due on the 15th (they have changed this on me like 4 times its like 16th the 17th and the 15th sometimes) ! They didn't check me today :( she said they usually do it everyother time now?? But they did an US since I havent gained any weight the whole pregnancy and I was measuring small... they said he is 6 lbs 1 oz and way way down faced down ready to go.... wish they would have checked me though!!

    I wasnt effaced or dilated about 3 days before they checked me a 2nd time. I was in the hospital and they said just cervix was soft... but 3 days later i was effaced and dilated! he is ready to come out I think! the primrose really made him move down faster it seems and it puts me in a better mood for some reason after I take it!
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