very itchy everywhere plz help!

edited April 2011 in Health
So this has been happenin since about sun mu boyf thinks it cud b a heat rash coz.of the lovely weather but it has cooled down loads now and its still here im gettin it all up my arms and tops of my hands.. My belly which i had for a while its worse and tops of my feet and slightly lower legs altho my arms and belly is worse! Im 38 weeks. And i dunno if my skin is bein more sensitiveheat rash or summit worse ive also switched to non bio in prep for baby so.i thought mayb tht but bouf says it wud b all.over.. Its gettin to me worse in bed espech my belly at night scared im gna hurt my baby lol any suggestions?? Plz help xx


  • edited April 2011
    I started itching at 38 weeks also, no rash here, my dr said I can take 25 - 50mg of Benadryl but it doesn't really help just makes me super tired. I'm 40 wks today and still itch like crazy, hoping it stops when baby arrives...
  • Oh me too im barely sleepib from it as it is.. I do have a few bumps on my arms and mu belly jus looks dreadful :( hoping it improves bt at least im not the.only on seein my midwofe today so will bring it up then x
  • Yeah definately mention it, I know its is horrible, I have little bumps everywhere now from scratching, so hard not to. I tried cortizone cream too and it didn't help either. Good luck hope you find relief soon or have baby and it goes away...
  • Ty u too.. Hopefully the last one ;)
  • Its called PUPP dont scratch it will cause stretchmrks for sure, google itchy skin rash during pregnancy and it will explain :)
  • It sounds like pupp rash to me my sister had it all over her body. Its because ur body is fighting with the baby's hormones. Birth is the only option or this cream stuff you can order online but since your close Idk if you want to spend the money on it. I can find out the name if you want it. P.s. it doesn't hurt the baby
  • Ps. I forgot to mention u shld bring this up to ur doctor sometimes it can b a sign of liver damage which is rare is our pregnancy state..but anything unusual shld be mentioned to keep baby safe..i use eczema crm for babies its amazing
  • Ooh ty will look tt up.. Seein midwife today and knew about the liver thing so was gna mention it but ty for the help! I try not to belly where my stretchmarks are but its so frickin difficult! Espech when im half asleep when im doin it lol.. I have excema abd have been usin a mild cream which helps temporarily hopefully midwife will suggest.. Dnt mind spendin out a bit if it saves mu belly im so scared ive scarred and ruined my skin! Ty @mandielynn and @whozder
  • I have PUPPS and ive at them starting at week 34. I'm starting on week 39. It super sucks. There are things I find that helps. Grandpas pine tar soap and chistophers anti itch salve. Both can be found at good earth. Also, I take claratin one at night and one in the morning. Cold takes away the itch as well, so take cool showers and use a bag of frozen vegtables on places that persist on being itchy. Heat makes this rash worse.
  • Also if you use the soap make sure you use a gentle lotion after, like renew, so as not to dry out and irritate the rash
  • Hey I started itching too when I was 37 weeks! I still have the bumps on my legs I wish they'd go away.. oh nothing compared to the itching u will get after te epidural I'm talking about u wil be skratching lika crackhead
  • Thnx for the tips.. When i looked it up online it aaid theres a 70% percent chance of me havin a boy.. Lol.i dnt know what im havin but it.made my boyf smile lol
  • For your sake I hope it isnt PUPPPS. its called the pregnancy plague for a reason. Good luck!
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