september mommies doesnt september seem so far??

edited April 2011 in September 2011
I'm 18w 4d but she's measuring 18w but due date will stay the same Sept 25 and I can't wait until she's here the next 5 months seem so far. *-:)


  • Tell me about it. My original due date was Sept 27. Now its Sept 26th......a whole flippin day! lol. I just want to hold my little girl already. Although I must admit, the 2nd trimester is going by way faster than the first. I thought I was going to go insane those first 3mos. I think once we get into the thick of summer and summer activities it will fly by even faster. Its just we wont be doing as much as we usually do in summerbecause of me being preggo and also saving for the baby. Have you bought anything yet?
  • It seems to going by fast for me maybe its because I didn't find out untill I was 3 1/2 months already I'm due the 18
  • doesn't seem like going fast to me.we have so much to do and I don't even know the sex yet ugh. 7 more days 7 more days lol I am due sept 3 by the way
  • edited April 2011
    @chrissy07 Youre lucky I wish I had found out later. I was 4wks when i found out. I think I would have known anyway because I was sooo sick my 2nd and 3rd month.

    @blessed1508 I wasnt originally supposed to find out til May 7th, so I know your pain. Seemed like all the other Sept mommies on here knew already. Dont worry. Trust me it doesnt make it go by any faster when you know.
  • Not as far away as November sounds! Lol x
  • Yes we practically have to wait all summer I can't wait till sept 20th
  • I'm due the 26th went from being due September 7 to the 26... I found out at 4 weeks. Time has been moving fast to me. I'm having a girl and have started shopping. I'm now thinking I should've waited to find the gender because I want to buy everything I see for her... Hopefully we wake up and its August... lol
  • Try waiting for Oct.
  • I'm aug 19... Seems far too !!! Grr.. 17weeks seems like nothing tho but 4 months does!!
  • Try waiting for October 31! :( Sooo far away!
  • @mommys1stbundle in my first post I meant it is going by fast lol and as soon as I know I can start doing my baby registry and shop and shop o yeah and shop lol
  • It does but at the same time i can't believe im 20 wks already! I think once summer is here it'll flyyy by! Hopefully! :)
  • im due the end of september. ugh its going to be a looooooonnnggg summer here in florida for me :(
  • I'm due Sept 12th. Argh! I'm halfway through my pregnancy and it seems like soooo far away! I'm starting to really enjoy my baby bump tho. It looks like there's a baby in my tummy, not like I got chubby lol! I'm still small enough that I don't have strangers coming up and touching my tummy or saying weird crap to me. I love those stories on Pregly!
  • I'm due sept 15 and still can't believe I'm halfway through my pregnancy! I just can't wait until I get to hold my little one...seems like forever
  • I'm due the 6th and yes it seems light years away. But I'm not gonna wish away the summer cuz where I live we wait sooo long for it!! Lol
  • Omg it does...but I see people posting about being due in December and it makes me feel better. Shopping does help.
  • Due Sept 24th,I predict lots of pool days and ice cold lemonade :)
  • sept 10 is sooooooo farrr can we speed theses next 4 months up lol
  • I know right im due sept with a baby girl && ugh my due date has been changed from the 5 to the 19, she is measuring small
  • I feel like the first 16 weeks flew by and now it's crawling by! I wish time would speed it up a bit!
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  • I noticed if I look forward to something at the end of the month the month seems to go by faster. For example April I had my gender ultrasound yesterday so the whole month seemed to fly by cuz i was excited so in may I'm looking forward to school ending I work at an elementary school so I'm ready for summer!
  • I'm due Sept. 25 and I feel like the weeks are going fast but the months ate going slow lol I have 15 days until we find out what we're having! I'm getting very inpatient boo :(
  • Im due september 9th and im having a boy and it does feel like its dragging on! But these past 5 months have gone by pretty fast! Hopefully the next 4 do as well!
  • September 1st
  • Yes so far away I'm due September 29
  • Aww we have the same due date. But it feels like its flying for me. I'm nervous
  • I'm due Sept 12 and it feels so far away until I think bout everything we need to do and then I feel like I don't have enough time. We have not done anything until we knew this baby was actually gonna make it. Now I'm freaked lol!
  • Im due september 1 with our first son. It seems soo far away im going crazy! But we dont have anything for him yet. Its stressing me out!
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