Calling all October mommies!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Haas any one else found out what their little monkey is going to be??? I found out at 16 weeks team "omg that's a weiner" lol anyone else? What ya havin?


  • Im 17wks & go to get a sono 2maro (; hopefully i find out wat im havin 2maro
    Im due 10 / 4 !
  • Ill be 16 weeks Friday. I have an appt tomm with my obgyn hoping he schedules an ultrasound soon!
  • Nope my ob said wait til middle of may. Wtf I come in every 2 weeks!! Highrisk. & you do ultrasounds everytime! It woulda killed you to take a quick look?? I go back monday. Ima ask again. But he said middle of may is when he's gonna do a full ultrasound. Wats that?? You got the 3d/4d button right there!! You did it for me b4 y not now. Ugh I was 15w2d qhen I asked. Ill be 17w2d Monday. Sorry to blab
    But I'm anxious to find out.
  • :D @smith100411 what do you want it to be? And if you had to guess what it is? I had a notion mine was a boy, I think I wanted a girl cuz I was slightly disappointed but it was great for hubby lol
  • @one5one at least you get to see your baby every two weeks high risk or not! lucky! Lol but for reals I hope next time they sneak a peak for ya!

    @bigmamak hopefully you get yours soon! :D
  • I'm going to be 17 weeks next week and will find out May 6th! Going nuts waiting!!!
  • Team blue! Due Oct 5th
  • I still have almost three weeks until I am 20 weeks to find out.
  • I couldn't take the anticipation lol I had to cheat and sneak a peak
  • I honestly dnt care wat it is. I think its a girl bt i thnk my fiance wants a boy.. We shall see (:
  • Prolly a girl then if ya think it is :D
  • I find out May 4th...a week from now!
  • Nope not yet! :( due October 15th I had a checkup Monday & the dr said i had to wait til my full ultra sound May 25th! Thats a whole month away :( I have however looked into a place that does 3D ultra sounds % will give u the sex & a few pics at 16wks for $40 on Mondays... ill b 16wks Saturday...& the offer sounds pretty tempting.... my fiance said he thinks its a waist of money & i sud just wait... being patient isnt something im good at sooooo im thinking of calling my best friend & asking her to go with me... :) ohwell its my hard earned money anyway...
  • Yay! So soon!
  • I find out Saturday! :D Oct 14th
  • I can't wait and it'll be my first us also so it'll be one exciting day!!!
  • We find out May 13th, I can hardly wait!! Edd is 10/26
  • I am 15 weeks, have a 3d us scheduled at 17 weeks, hope its accurate!
  • Due oct 1, us is may 9. Hoping for a boy, have a girl already :)
  • Due Oct 10th get my full us on May 11! I cant wait im so exited! & congrats! :)
  • I'm 16 wks. My very 1st u/s is scheduled for May 18 so exactly 3 wks away! Grrr I can't take the anticipation! Hopin for a girl but my gut instinct is tellin me BOY! We'll seeee. :-D
  • We get to find out on the 12th when I am 18wks. I am due oct 11th. I can't hubby is so antsy... It is funny. Congrats to you
  • i wish there was a "like" button :( lol
  • @ 15 wks give or take mine is a girl
  • I'm due the 25th, but I don't think I'll be finding out until my insurance kicks back in in June. I'm hoping its a girl, but everyone else is wishing a boy on me, lol.
  • Im due oct 5 and still dont know what im having til 18 of may... grrr..i want a boy but i think its a girl
  • I find out may24! I cant take the waiting anymore I need to know now!!
  • Were finding out May 10th! Can't wait!
  • I'm 14 weeks with edd of 10/22. Next appointment is May 9 th. Think they can tell me then?
  • @1sttymemommi: We're due date buddies!! :)
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