baby shower plz

edited April 2011 in Baby showers
I'm having my baby shower on my birthday Friday..& I need some games..plz help


  • We played how big is mommy but everyone guessed way big so I felt like everyone thought I was a hippo
  • @Rissalee7 lol yea I was thinkn abt playing tht
  • We played a game where we had a big bby bottle n everyone put money in it on the bottle we wrote winner takes all. Its kinda like,a raffle whn tge shower ends u pull one ticket and the winner gets a bottle of all and u n bby keep tge money it was a fun game
  • @less525 no way! Gridays my bday too! I will be 26. Happy birthday!
  • Baby Bingo, Baby Word Scrambler, Baby Word Search, Can't Say Baby, Who Knows Mommy Best
  • We had a game guess how many m&ms are in the bottle, another good one is melt a chocolate candy like reese snickers kit kat etc and put it in a dipper and have ppl guess what kind, another one is use a roll of tp and pass it around to see if you can guess how long the tp needs to be able to fit around mommy and if you can fit yours around the closest then you win. Another game is you wear a string around your neck and a clothspin on it(when ppl walk in they are given it) and if anyone hears a person say baby they can steal their clothspin(s). Then at the end of the shower the winner is the one with most clothspins..
  • @pregnantlettemama Yayyy lol same to u:)
    @StarKrayzie thnk u so much
    @kritten_Octoberbby thnks love em.:)
  • @starkrayzie. What's who knows mommy best?
  • @aug5baby You write a list of questions about the mom & see who can answer the most correctly. Examples include:

    What's your favorite color, food, animal, vacation spot, sports team, etc
    What's your birthday, anniversary, due date, etc
    What was your first car?
    Do you have tattoos? If so how many & what are they of?
    What are you afraid of?
    What size shoe do you wear?

    Those were most of the questions that I had on mine.
  • Baby trivia. Guess which baby picture is mommy or daddy. I liked at mine that they passed around a book for baby name suggestions.
  • I don't know what u call the game but u make a list of things that people usually carry in their purse like tampons, lip gloss, mirror, condoms lol and each thing is worth a certain number of points then who ever has the most, points win.
  • go to
  • We took guesses from everyone on the date and time the baby will be born and the weight and height. I cant wait to see who's right!
  • Do I diaper raffle! I am :) Tell guests that for every 20diapers they bring their name goes into a drawing ...
    I.e. if they bring 20 their name goes in once
    If they bring 40 it goes in their twice.. etc
    At the end of the baby shower draw a name!
    I'm using a 40gas card as the prize to get more people to participate ;)
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