What culture are you guys in and do you guys have any superstitious saying about babies/pregnancy?



  • @momof22be well do you know what your having yet?
  • Saw a ball too and it's a girl. My friends had beans and both were boys. @firsttimedaddy the safety pin I heard from my friend is supposed to protect you from voodoo. Im half mexican and my mom tells me so much werid/funny stuff like if you sleep too much your baby will be hairy like a monkey! Wtf?! My co worker is Jamaican and gave me a crab thingy that was really good cuz supposedly if you don't eat crab your baby will be marked. Whether he was just joking around idk.
  • lol. I know huh. idk what things to believe @kayleigh27
  • I also heard somewhere and someone correct me if im wrong but that native americans don't like people touching their babies hair due to bad spirits or something. Or maybe it was Hindu's that believed that....someone just told me that years ago so idk on that either..
  • @kayleigh27 well be better be joking or I will eat crabs when i hate them lol. No way!
  • @kayleigh27 I also heard of that. But they say that is for the hmong culture, and I tell you. I sure don't believe that. I'm hmong and i don't.
  • Lol yeah like I said he looked serious when he said it but he jokes around a lot. But I ate it anyways and it was really good! :)
  • @kayleigh27 whew! Oh well. It will be fine.
  • A girl what about u?
  • edited April 2011
    @mammanouchee really? That's interesting. Well in the Hispanic culture we have 'mal de ojo' which is like the evil eye and it makes the baby sick if people have 'bad intentions' with our baby (what my mom said) like I guess if a women mad dogs or looks at them 'enviously' then your kid he/she will become ill or something....my mom is terrible at explaining stuff lol.
  • @momof22be we sure do have lots of weird sayings huh. Don't know what to believe and not to believe
  • @kayleigh27 yea mal de ojo can be more then just with a baby it can be with grownups too and not just if they have bad intentions but also if they like tell you oh you have pretty hair or oh I like your bracelet then you tell them to touch your hair so it won't fall out or touch your bracelet so it won't break
  • If someone in ur family has a dream about fish then it means someone close is pregnant....if a pregnant women craves something n doesn't get it that will b the shape of their birth mark....if ur baby is teething wright their name on a egg n sit it in a high place were no one will bother it and ur baby wont get n ear infection or cry
  • @jerseymommy really? My nephew is teething and he has an ear infection. I should really try that :)
  • I'm Chinese and my mom is very superstitious. Sometimes I will take her advice, 2 billion people can't be wrong. Lol
    No moving any furniture around ..symbolic to the baby in the womb,don't want to displace anything. She said dont use scisscors but I have to..something with cutting the cord. Don't let everyone touch your belly, baby doesn't like it and might.get mad. Lol the list goes on....
  • @jessedenver I heard about the furniture moving, well too bad now. I move my furniture around a lot and babe is fine. I guess its just what you believe in.
  • Its okay...I personally think its a lot of folklore superstition. I didnt follow most of it either.
  • If you have heart burn your baby will have alot of hair.

    My indian friend said when babies are teething to pour warm melted butter over their soft spot and rub butter on their gums
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