@artistmamma You wont believe this but our pregnancies are very similar! I've been taking Lovenox since I was 14 weeks pregnant, I'm about to be 32 weeks and by 36 weeks I'll be on Heparin. They also found out I am a little anemic so I'm taking iron pills. I'm having a c-section ans before that they are going to do a blood test to make sure there's no heparin, they can give you the results for this test in 15 minutes, if you were on Lovenox it would take 3 days for a result. I had preclamsia on my first pregnancy and on this pregnancy they found out I have factor 5. So far everything is going great, the baby is growing normally, my first one was a preemie, I had to have emergency c-section at 8 months. I hope for the best, since my first c-section was so traumatic. Good luck to you! Hope everything goes well
@SemperFiwife: I wanted to check in with you...and yes, our pregnancies sound very similar. How far along are you now? How are you doing? I just turned 34 weeks, so if I could make it 2 more & be put on Heparin instead of Lovenox, I'd feel a TON better. I really don't want to have a c-section birth, but the doctors in my OB group all seem to think I have a slim to none chance of giving birth vaginally. I want the quicker recovery time, plus the experience, of vaginal delivery. But in my gut, I'm feeling like that's just not in the cards for me. However, if I MUST have a c-section, I really, REALLY do not want to be put under full surgical anesthesia & entirely miss the birth of my one & only child. It makes me cry every time I think about it.
I hope you & baby are doing well. You're in my thoughts!
@artistmamma Hello, I will be 33 weeks in 3 days, so far is going well, the drs have me monitored twice a week now with non stress tests for the baby, the first time they did the test they found out I was having contractions! I had no idea how they felt like, I was having 5 contractions every 20 min! They injected me with some medication to stop them and so far it has worked well, even though every now and then I get 1 or 2 contractions still. The lovenox is getting hard for me to do, since I have no more fatty places to pinch around the belly, it hurts and burns even more now, I hope heparin is a bit better than this one. When I started to go to my obgyn we talked about having a v-vac (sp?) But as soon as they found out about factor 5 they said it was best to have a schedule c-section. I wasnt that scared to begin with, but bad memories about my first emergency c-section came back to me. Recovery was the hardest part for me, not even the epidural (i hate needles!) I dont know how this one will be, but my dr assured me that schedule c-sections are completely different than emergency ones, I really hope so, on my emergency one the epidural wasnt completelt set on my body since it was an emergency and I was feeling when they opened me, so they gave me morphine, and I missed the birth, I passed out, my mom was with me and she said she saw me looking at the baby, but I dont remember. I dont mean to scare you in any way, but if drs decide its best to have surgery, I would go with that. And remember, if u start on heparin at least 2 weeks before surgery u will be awake for when u deliver (hopefully) I dont want to miss this birth too! Im staying awake no matter what! Lol
How are you doing? When do you start with heparin?
I hope you & baby are doing well. You're in my thoughts!
How are you doing? When do you start with heparin?