sorry.. i need to vent bad before i go insane..

Worst nigt ever.. i try telling husband how i feel about him working all the time in his shed and not spending time with me. He comes to buddy up when he wants sex and that night he is fine until he goes back doing his thing outside. He does everything you can think of to stay busy. I feel alone lately and unappreciated. Tonight was one of those nights he wanted to buddy up with me but i told him novsex and why but of course he aint hearing that and makes up all the excuses under the sun. So i go to bed after a heated arguement and he comes to bed. A few mins later he goes to the back(10:40)and does god know whats but w/e it was he had to get fully dressed for. Im really getting pissed so i go to bed but not to sleep and he goes to the couch. He thinks im sleeping. He goes now to the front yard, i go outside ask him what the hell is he doing since its 11:30 now and he says getting a cd. Im like yea, w/e. So i spy through the window and he is walking around the front.. i go to pee and when i come back he is gone. I am so hurt now. I cant believe he is doing this to me. I want to leave so bad but i really dont have a place to go and im worried about where he might have gone.. he says im cheating and thats total BS..i think he may be cheating on me now.. i wanna scream and cry so bad but im trying hard not to...


  • So he just left like that? Does he have a phone? Tried callin him? Sorry but he is an a hole! He acting so childish
  • I have never experienced this so I don't know what to say, but I'm sure there are people who love and care about you more than he does. Keep your chin up and be the bigger person. Do what's right for YOU no matter how much it hurts. You are a strong woman who deserves respect and happiness. Good luck hun.
  • Lets think positive....maybe he just needed to clear his head. I hope it works out, but don't confront him until you have proof of cheating bc without it he can turn it on you.
  • from my expirience ((hubby just cheated a month ago)) when they accuse you or get mad over you asking them simple questions it's the in the wrong. but maybe. @newmommy_navywife is right.. you should always consider that he might be having something else goiing on.. but with guys who knows cause if your man is anything like me he doesn't like to talk about his feelings.
    good luck honey. chin up
  • This is just so frustrating.. he is still gone and i still havent heard from him.. im going crazy..
  • Wow that's sucks! Hang in there girl
  • Im trying believe me.. he just walked in the door. He said he got drunk but he isnt drunk..i really hope he is going behind my back...
  • @kritten_octoberbby
    Try to 'play' with him... If he was with another girl you'll be able to smell it downstairs... If he makes a dash for the shower you'll know then too.
  • I cant.. i wish i could have but he is in the shower.. ima smell his cloths though nvm brb lol
  • I will have to try later.. he has the shirt in the bathroom
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