Anyone working graveyard?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Just wanted to know if any mamas to be out there working 11pm to 7am, and if you are, how long are you planning to work until?

I'm almost 25 weeks and still working graveyard full time.. Thank goodness they are letting me sit now. (I work at a hotel)..I also have 3 kids at home, one is in school full time, one goes twice a week and my 18 month old.. So I don't sleep, but rather, I take naps here and there.... So I'm always tired... Don't know how long I can last!


  • I know how hard graveyard is I had to give it up because it got to dangerous. Too many bars near by and college town. When I was younger I had fun working that shift now I just can't stand it. I was also only working itg two days and then normal hours 3 days. Hang in there though gotta make that money right. Would your pay change if your hours changed?
  • I work 7pm to 5:30am, 3 days a week. I drive heavy equipment and get to sit and stand or walk around when ever I want. I'm going to try to work as long as the dr. will let me. Hang in there it will all work out in the end, think about all those soon to be moms who don't have a job to go to.
  • I would lose $1/hr if I switched to days, and basically can't anyways as Bd has to work daytime hours since he's a sales manager.. And I refuse to put my kids in daycare... Im just counting down...2 months before maternity leave, then I get a year off =)
  • I'm working 11p-7a. I'm a senior home-caregiver and I've been working graveyards since november. its sooo hard on me I'm 33 weeks. I'm not going on maternity leave yet, but this will be my last graveyard shift EVER :) I'm going to go from full time grave to part time days/swing until i give birth, then when i come back to work ill be doing full time days. I'm so glad my job is willing to shift around me and they r so understanding and flexible i feel blessed
  • I work at a hospital and work three 12 hour shifts a week from 7pm to 7am. I plan on working till I pop. I've always been a night irtl but I'm 22 weeks now and the 12 hours is getting harder.
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