what i get for having a girl.

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
It seems every week I'm in the er with some kind of bladder issue and lastnight I passed a kidney stone. I feel better now then I have in the Past few days but how do I prevent these problems. I drink plenty of water and now cranberry juice..


  • I don't think it is because u are having a girl...I had them in 2007 I had to have a catheter and everything...ouch to the 10th power...drink water and cranberry juice ask ur doctor if carnberry pills are ok hold off sour products (not sour like candy) but no lemonade and other tart beverages lay off on the soda and high sugar drinks don't hold ur pee even for little while and u can catch the stones and have them analyzed by a urinologist to see the actual cause oh and lay off spicy food all have been known to be contributing kidney stone factors according to my doctors
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