Braxton Hicks

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok....I only have 6 days to my may 4th due date and for the last 2 days I've been hit with these braxton hicks pains its to much to bare. I went to the emergency room wed afternoon thinking I was in labore and I havnt even dilated yet. Theses things have been coming along every 5 min or so and last about a 1min. Just so tired and realy don't know if I can stand this for another wk or so. Has anybody eles gone through theses for more than a few days at a strong severity?? Ps I've taken the warm baths and hot towels on back nothing seems to bring relief.


  • aww im sorry, im 38wks and i have only gotten the realy painful ones a few times but i thought i was in labor too! cuz man they can hurt! mine lasted all day, but did KINDA feel better with a heating pad and bath.. last night i got some but they went away after an hour... my ob says wait untill they are 4 min apart for 1 min long for an hour, so ur close! maybe try actually going into labor, walking,sex, jumpin jax lol

    good luck
  • Omg. I had braxton hicks all day yesterday!! Along with lower back pain and dizziness. I hated it! Im only 31 weeks tho so I didn't worry too much..
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