Confessions of a pregnant drama queen (No judgements if so move around)

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
We all do stuff confess them here....... no one is to judge if so get away

My sad truths

1. I use being pregnant as an excuse when I don't want to go to social functions and sometimes work
2. I try not to but I talk about children in my head or to my friends
3. I am 5.5 preg and I have forget to take my prenatals 4 times
4. I am super lazy just because
5. I curse way too much for a lady especially an expecting one
6. I yell my sons name and scream wake up when he hasn't moved much
7. I am excited about my bd being on child support
8. I dream x rated (don't judge me I have only had sex twice since preggo and both times including the times before I was preggo have been non OGing if that's a word)
9. I secretly now judge my friends parenting skills
10. It takes too much work to shave downtown
11. I drink soda and eat candy so make him move
12. I enjoy cursing my bd out

Father forgive me!


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  • I love this! We do A LOT of the same things!
  • Lol I got way to much to confess....all I can say is "lord show me mercy"
  • IKR! I thought this world be fun for ppl to post on
  • Oh just thought of one from someone else post
    13. I still sleep on my right side
  • 14. I still wear high heels
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  • 1. I lay around n pretend to hurt( sometimes ) so everybody can wait on me hand and foot
    2. I use my pregnancy hormones as an excuse to say what I wanna say
    3. I always use the babies as an excuse to eat hubby food
    4. I tell hubby he never tries to have sex but the truth is im glad cuz I don't want it anyway

    Wash my sins away........... U ladies r funny
  • I used cravings as an excuse not to cook and ordered take out
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  • 1. I think about sex alllll the time I make hubby send me pics all the time(twice a day)since hes away at college.

    2. If he dnt send me pics when I ask I ignore his,texts and calls,all week.

    3. I punched another pregnant women in the face (and I didnt feel guitly)

    4. I make my bro buy me carrots late at night.

    5. I cuss out my bitter old teacher 3xs a week.

    Forgive me
  • 1. I use my cravings as an excuse to order out too.. =)
  • Haha @preggointx i love you girl!!! Hmmm lets see where should i start...
    1. I love to get attitudes with ppl purposely and blame it on being pg.
    2.i make my bd feel bad when he tries to go and do things without me.
    3.I talk about little kids wayyy to much.
    4. I'm mean to peoples kids bc i hate how they all are so in love with me now.
    5. I sometimes want to fight kids bc of how bad they are lol...
    6. I love to have sex 24/7 365 lol
    7. I tease my bd then tell him i changed my mind.
    Lol i could go on and on but u think this is enough.
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  • 1. I am 18 weeks tomorrow and have only remembered to take my prenatals 6 times....
    2. I drink a ton of coffee....more then anyone knows haha
    3. I don't eat red meat but have been sneaking trips to mcdonalds for cheeseburgers
    4. I also use the pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy (but come on is there any other time we'll get away with it? Milk it ladies)
    5. I sleep on my stomach still
    6. I curse like a sailor
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  • 1. I secretly judge all my friends parenting skills.
    2. I eat sweets and Erik sweet tea.
    3. Most of my dreams are x rated and its weird because I rarely waNt to have sex.
    4. I have forgotten to take my prenatals more times then I can count.(don't judge me I'm forgetful right now)
    5. I'm super lazy and don't ever wanna do anything and bitch when I do.
    6. I say things I shouldn't and def need to change my language.
    7. I use being pregnant as an excuse for anything. Laundry, dinner. Whatever.
    8. It still hasn't hit me hard that I am pregnant and I'm waiting for it to.
    9. I'm secretly jealous of other preglys when they post that they can feel flutters it movement because I haven't yet.
    10. Sometimes I just want to scream as loud as I can because I'm so emotionally eff'd.
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  • lol
    Lay around most of the day, dont get moving til after 5
    I dont take my prenatals at all. they taste horrible!
    I yell at my son's a lil more than usual
    I dream of sex and want it all the time. I practically rape my husband 4 to 5 times a day
    I order stuff online too much because I hate leaving the house

    Father please forgive me for I have sinned. ( doing hail mary's now)
  • 1. I use my pregnancy to be lazy and to get everything I crave. 2. I want sex 24 -7 3. I use my pregnancy to get out of seeing people. 4. I get really upset when my kids don't want to go to bed early because I want alone time with my hubby. 5. I want a baby boy so bad I will cry if im having a girl. 6. I don't want anyone to come over after I have my baby. 7. I love to be all over my hubby and he gets annoyed and I cry haha. I sound cray haha but I could go on and on now I feel better confessing.
  • Ok so here it goes lol
    1. I forget to take my prenatal pills like every other day
    2. My answer to everything is " Because Im pregnant Dammit!!" Lol
    3. Lately Im always talking all reckless out my mouth to my bd.
    4. My 3yr old has been irking me so much lately I told him I didnt like him to which he replied " I dont like you too!" Lol
    5. I never get up for the elderly on the bus or train. I pretend like I dont see them.
    6. I called a five year old stupid for hitting my stomach with her huge backpack and not saying sorry.
    7. I eat lunch meat like every other day and I love my runny eggs.
    8. Ive been drinking iced coffee like a maniac
    9. I call out of work all the time for the stupidest reasons.......

    Shame on me..... Lord forgive my sins :D
  • Omg so funny lol @preggointx screaming "Wake up!" at your son. That made me laugh out loud!

    My confessions:

    I cuss my bf out in my head when he tries to be sweet an give me a hug RIGHT after I complain about how I feel overheated and sweaty and nauseous. Get your big self away from me! Lol terrible I know.

    I eat things I know will give me heartburn (a half a box of Girl Scout Lemonade cookies) and then want to slap my bf when he says I told you so.

    A couple days ago I told my four year old daughter Jada that it was eight thirty (her bedtime) at ten til 7 so that I could watch Criminal Minds in peace.

    I plan on drinking a giant Mountain Dew before my gender ultrasound.

    I secretly hope we have a girl even though I know my bf desperately wants a boy. :-o

    I know I shouldn't but I judge in my head the parents at my daughter's preschool who send their baby to school lookin' like a hot mess every single day.

    I hate the preschool teacher who ALWAYS tries to rub my baby bump, even though I know she's being nice!
  • Smh at all of u!!!_ lmaooo!! I thought I was bad??! Yal funny as judgement just sayin!!!! Oh n lmao at those x rated dreams!!! Just when I thought I was alone! Thanx ladies for makin me feel normal!!
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  • Oh oh oh 10. I want a girl really bad. I think I will cry if its a boy.
    I showed MIL my last sonogram picture. Im only 12wks so idk the sex yet. Its just a really nice profile picture. She knows I want a girl well she goes and says oh it looks like a boy. In my mind Im like bitch and wtf do you know!!! Lol
  • 1. I probably drink more Dr. Pepper now, then before I was pregnant.
    2. I eat out once a day, on average.
    3. I don't wear my seatbelt because it's uncomfortable, even though I feel like I'm putting my baby at risk.
    4. Sometimes if I don't feel like having sex, I'll tell my bf I don't feel well to spare his feelings.
    5. My best friend and I have always planned on getting pregnant together, now I secretly hope she doesn't, and I'm not sure why.
    6. I put off doing laundry as long as possible because I have the excuse of being pregnant.
    7. I have full on conversations with my baby when I have nobody else to talk to...especially if I'm mad.
    8. I use getting bigger as an excuse to buy new clothes, even though in reality I could probably wear my clothes (atleast my shirts) for a little longer.
    9. I also secretly judge the way people parent their children, and use it as a "what-not-to-do" lesson.
    10. I put my legs in the hot tub for about 15 minutes last night, and I am feeling guilty about it.
  • Lol LOVE THIS!!

    1. Eeat out 90% of the time
    2. At first I could not stand to cook at all because of nausea but now its not soo true but still use the excuse
    3.My temper and patience is up the roof! And a lot of the times I do it on purpose.
    4. I also have forgotten to take my prenatals a few times
    5. I get jealous of preggys further along because I cant wait to get way closer to my due date!

    Lord please forgive me!
  • LMAO. This is the funniest post yet. I'm still laughing at @mama2jandbaby "I eat things I know will give me heartburn (a half a box of Girl Scout Lemonade cookies) and then want to slap my bf when he says I told you so." I bussed out laughing at that one! Am i the only one that doesn't dream X rated thoughts, I dream about my baby and the day i find out the sex, I am just getting over my morning sickness so i haven't quite had the "cravings" just yet getting me to eat is a challenge. i haven't drank no caffeine since i found out and BELIEVE me i'm craving a pepsi. i eat bags of Salt & vinegar chips that's as bad as it gets and i eat cold cuts i love sanwhiches Oh and I take my prenatal vitamins everynight before i go to bed taking them during the day makes me feel like shit.
  • edited April 2011
    1. I take one too many prenatal gummies because they taste so good and I have gestational diabetes.
    2. I eat chocolate and multiple popsicles every day
    3. I am lazy and have my husband do laundry and dishes about 60% of the time even though he works 40 hrs a week and I work 4 hrs.
    4. in sick to work when im tired or grumpy.
    5. I try to convince my toddler to bring me thing when I don't want to get up.
    6. I have stopped cooking. we eat microwave meals or fast food at almost every meal
    7. I take a nap every day whether I'm tired or not.
    8. When my husband falls asleep putting my daughter to bed I think about locking him out of our bedroom because I don't want him to wake me.
    9. I let my husband change almost every poppy diaper.
    Jesus please forgive my laziness and entitlement complex.

    Oh yeah 10. I have had soooo many X rated dreams about people other than my husband but barely want to sleep with him.
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